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Jaroslav Bures victorious at Znojemská Rotunda Open 2024, Sanket Chakravarty second

by Shahid Ahmed - 25/07/2024

Top seed of the tournament, IM Jaroslav Bureš (CZE) scored an unbeaten 7.5/9 to win Znojemská Rotunda Rating Open A 2024. He finished a half point ahead of the field. IM Sanket Chakravarty scored sole 7/9 to secure second place. He also remained undefeated. IM Neklan Vaskočil (CZE) was placed third scoring 6/9. GM Manik Mikulas (SVK) won the Blitz Open C 10/11. Sanket secured second place again, scoring 9.5/11. Jarsolav finished third 9/11. The total financial prize fund of Open A was 75000 CZK. The top three prizes were 15000, 10000 and 8000 CZK along with a trophy and medal each. The total financial prize fund of Blitz Open C was 6400 CZK. The top three prizes were 2000, 1400 and 1000 CZK along with a material prize each. The tournaments were organized by Agentura rotunda s. r. o. in cooperation with SK GPOA Znojmo at Louka monastery in Znojmo, Czech Republic from 22nd to 30th June 2024. Photo: Jakub Marek / Znojemská Rotunda Open 2024

Manik Mikulas dominates Rapid Open, Sanket second

By Jakub Marek

From 22nd to 30th June 2024, the second renewed year of the Znojmo Rotunda Open chess festival was held in the large stucco hall of the Znojmo Louka Monastery and the conference hall at the so-called "Little House" (In Czech "Domeček") in the city centre - under the auspices of the Mayor of Znojmo Ing. Ivana Solařová and Senator for Znojmo Mgr. Tomáš Třetina, played as a district and regional chess championship. The festival was renewed under its original name last year after seven years, and it continues the long tradition of organizing tournaments, also as a continuation of keeping the classic tournament chess in Znojmo right after the Rotunda - Prestige OPEN.

Top 3 (L to R): 2nd IM Sanket Chakravarty 7/9, 1st IM Jaroslav Bures (CZE) 7.5/9 and 3rd IM Neklan Vyskocil (CZE) 6/9 | Photo: Jakub Marek / Znojemská Rotunda Open 2024

The festival was divided into two main tournaments - A - FIDE OPEN for 9 rounds using the Swiss system run by FA Martin Šmajzr, B - up to 1900 Elo for 9 rounds using the Swiss system run by R2 Radek Skoumal and C - blitz tournament without credit for rating played on Sunday 23rd June 2024 for 11 rounds using the Swiss system run by FA Martin Šmajzr and tournament D - Rapid tournament played as Memorial V. Holík and J. Švanda for 7 rounds. The total participation in the festival was 143 participants (which is almost double compared to the previous, first renewed edition). The individual A and B tournaments were interspersed with an accompanying programme - free entry to the Znojmo underground on 28th June 2024, provided by the event organiser, and a wine tasting on 22nd June 2024.

Games in progress | Photo: Jakub Marek / Znojemská Rotunda Open 2024

During all tournaments, refreshments were available to all players and entourage in the adjacent lounge offering coffee, cold drinks and small snacks - cookies, hot dogs, etc. The whole festival was without a single negative incident, the atmosphere was very pleasant and friendly. In feedback, the players were very complimentary about the playing hall (monastery) - the pleasant facilities offering coolness on warm summer days and the organisation of the tournament itself including the trophies, medals and the generous prize fund, with most respondents being so satisfied that they would highly recommend the festival further and intend to return again.

The tournament hall at Louka monastery in Znojmo, Czech Republic | Photo: Znojemská Rotunda Open 2024

Every year we try to move and improve the festival as much as possible in the direction that the players themselves appreciate and want - this year this was evident in the participation in this year's added D-Rapid tournament, and we believe that these steps will be essential for further development and will be received by the player community in a largely positive way.


For the next edition of the festival we will go back to the August date, namely 2-9 August 2025. The festival will now include a tournament for players up to 15 years of age and the opportunity to take advantage of a chess camp in the city run by experienced IM Jaroslav Bures for the duration of the festival. We look forward to seeing you all next year! In addition to chess experiences, Znojmo and its surroundings offer many sights and sports and tourist activities for the whole family!


Don't forget to follow us on FB - Znojemská rotunda OPEN, more information with regulations for the new edition can be expected in September 2024 on FB and our webpage!


A total of 22 players including a GM and three IMs took part from three countries across the world in this eight-day nine-round Swiss League Rating Open A tournament. It was organized by Agentura rotunda s. r. o. in cooperation with SK GPOA Znojmo at Louka monastery in Znojmo, Czech Republic from 23rd to 30th June 2024. The time control of the tournament was 40 moves in 90 minutes + 30 minutes + 30 seconds increment.

Replay all available Open A games

Final standings in Rating Open - A

Rk.SNoNamesexFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Bureš, JaroslavCZE2418Slavia Kroměříž7,5043,547,5
22Sanket, ChakravartyIND2357Cizinec704447,5
34Vyskočil, NeklanCZE2288ŠK Duras BVK6044,549
412Adharsh, KIND1927Cizinec5,5042,543,5



A total of 38 players including a GM and three IMs took part from three countries across the world in this one-day eleven-round Swiss League Blitz Open C tournament. It was organized by Agentura rotunda s. r. o. in cooperation with SK GPOA Znojmo at Louka monastery in Znojmo, Czech Republic on 23rd June 2024. The time control of the tournament was 5 minutes + 2 seconds increment.

Final standings in Blitz - C

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Maník, MikulášSVK24191007075,5
24Sanket, ChakravartyIND22699,507176
32Bureš, JaroslavCZE2384907075,5
43Vyskočil, NeklanCZE227371,572,577,5
55Kratochvíl, VítCZE223471,572,577
66Hájek, OskarCZE2188706669



Official site

Znojemská Rotunda Open fb page

Tournament Regulations

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