My First Endgame Study: A Chess Composition Tourney Sponsored by WFCC and ChessBase India
20/11/2024 -Chess, like a multifaceted jewel, embodies the diverse hues of human ingenuity, catering to the intellectual bent of every kind. Anatoly Karpov, former World Champion, aptly described it as sport, science, and art all rolled into one. Yet, while its sporting aspect enjoys widespread attention in high-stakes, competitive tournaments, the nuanced and slow-paced but no less fascinating endeavour of chess composition, where the game's artistic side shines the brightest, languishes in relative obscurity. We at ChessBase India are on a mission to change that. In partnership with the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), we proudly present 'My First Endgame Study,' a beginner-friendly study composing contest designed for chess enthusiasts eager to explore the creative world of chess composition, specifically studies. Details follow.