GM Koneru Humpy is the only one who has the opportunity to stop GM Alexandra Kosteniuk. Humpy won her second consecutive game as she positionally outplayed the Germany no.1, GM Elisabeth Paehtz. Since Kosteniuk drew her game with GM Nana Dzagindze, she is now at 7/9, a full point ahead of Humpy 6/9. Humpy and Kosteniuk are the only two players who are still undefeated so far. They will face each other in the penultimate round which will be a virtual final as the result of the game will have a huge implication towards the winner of Munich GP 2023. Round 10 starts today at 3 p.m. local time, 7:30 p.m. IST. Photo: FIDE/Mark Livshitz
Humpy wins two in-a-row
The ninth round also had four decisive games and two draws. GM Harika Dronavalli drew her game with GM Mariya Muzychuk (UKR). Both of them are sharing the fifth place with GM Elisabeth Paehtz (GER) with a score of 4.5/9.
GM Koneru Humpy has all the momentum with her before an important clash with GM Alexandra Kosteniuk | Photo: FIDE/Mark Livshitz
Humpy - Paehtz: 0-1
GM Koneru Humpy (2572) got a pleasant position out of the opening - King's Indian Defence and an isolated passed pawn on the d-file too after tenth move. Her opponent, GM Elisabeth Paehtz (GER, 2464) had to make some difficult choices in few complex positions.
Position after 23.Nd5
Humpy shared in the post-match interview, that Black should have gone 23...Ng4 followed by Qh4 and the position would have remained unclear. 23...Bxd5 was a positional inaccuracy 24.Bxd5 Rb5 25.Bc6 Rc5 26.Ba4 gave White a firm grip of the position.
Interview with Koneru Humpy | Video: FIDE
GM Koneru Humpy won her second game in-a-row | Photo: FIDE/Mark Livshitz