Senthil Maran K wins 2nd Dragonara Festival 2025
IM Senthil Maran K and FM Paolo Formento (ITA) scored an unbeaten 4/5 each at 2nd Dragonara Festival Rating Category A (>1900) 2025. Senthil won the tournament due to better tie-break scores. Paolo was placed second. Three players scored 3.5/5 each. Out of them, Jacopo Motola (ITA) secured third place. The total prize fund of the tournament was €4000. The top three prizes in Category A were €500 + plate, €400 and €300 each respectively. The three-day five round Rating tournament was organized by Paolo D'Augusta at Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi in Camogli, Italy from 21st to 23rd February 2025. This is Senthil's second tournament triumph of the year.
Senthil's second triumph of the year
The festival witnessed the participation of a total of 105 players - 26 in Category A (>1900), 57 in Category B (<2000) and 22 in Category C (<1600).
A total of 26 players including a GM and two IMs took part from four countries across the world in Category A (>1900). The three-day five round Rating tournament was organized by Paolo D'Augusta at Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi in Camogli, Italy from 21st to 23rd February 2025. The time control of the event was 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment from move no.1.