Surya Ganguly wins the Venceslav Rutar Scoring System match against Sam Shankland
04/09/2024 -GM Surya Sekhar Ganguly defeated GM Sam Shankland in their 8-game online match following the Venceslav-Rutar Scoring system, a brand new scoring system devised by Venceslav Rutar which changes the scoring of draws into three categories based on the material disparity - Favored draw, Disfavored draw, Equal draw. Surya won the match with a margin of 26-11 points, scoring 5 wins. Sam managed to score 1 win, and 3 games ended in equal draws. The total prize fund of the match was USD 5000 - Surya received USD 2000 for winning the match, and Sam USD 1000. The remaining USD 2000 was divided proportionally among the players according to the number of wins and draws. While there were no favored/unfavored draws in the match, it surely advocated for fighting chess as we got to see so many interesting games! Read the full report of the final day below