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Christos Krallis clear first at 5th SKG Open 2024, Raahul V S second

by Shahid Ahmed - 05/09/2024

FM Christos Krallis (GRE) scored an unbeaten 8/9 to win 5th SKG International Open Group A (≥2000) 2024. Krallis finished a full point ahead of the competition. IM Raahul V S scored sole 7/9 to secure second place. Four players - Konstantinos Tsarsitalidis (GRE), GM Athanasios Mastrovasilis (GRE), Spiros Stratigos (GRE) and Kuzey Guleryuz (TUR) scored 6.5/9 each. They were placed third to sixth respectively. The total prize fund of the tournament was €3800, €2900 in Group A. The top three prizes were €1200, €700 and €400 along with a trophy each respectively. The eight-day nine round rating tournament was organized by Chess Academy "Lefkos Pyrgos” from 6th to 13th August 2024 at Porto Palace Hotel Thessaloniki in Thessaloniki, Greece. IM Padmini Rout is the only other Indian finisher among top ten. She scored 6/9 to be placed eighth. Photo: Official site

No tie-breaks needed for top two

The total participation at 5th SKG International Tournament 2024 is 243 - 87 in Group A, 96 in Group B, 49 in Group C and 11 in Group D. 

Champion - FM Christos Krallis (GRE) 8/9 | Photo: Official site

Runner-up - IM Raahul V S 7/9 | Photo: Official site

Top 3 (L to R): 1st FM Christos Krallis (GRE) 8/9, 2nd IM Raahul V S 7/9 and 3rd Konstantinos Tsarsitalidis (GRE) 6.5/9 | Photo: Official site

8th IM Padmini Rout 6/9 | Photo: Official site

Group A prize winners | Photo: Official site

Trophies for the prize winners | Photo: Official site

Players in action | Photo: Official site

The tournament hall at Porto Palace Hotel Thessaloniki in Thessaloniki, Greece | Photo: Official site

A total of 87 players including a GM, three IMs and two WGMs took part seven countries across the world in this eight-day nine round Rating Open A (≥2000) tournament. It was organized by Chess Academy "Lefkos Pyrgos” at Porto Palace Hotel Thessaloniki in Thessaloniki, Greece from 6th to 13th August 2024. The time control of the event was 40 moves in 90 minutes + 30 minutes + 30 seconds increment per move.

Final standings in Open A

Rk.SNo NameTypsexFEDRtgIRtgNClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 Krtg+/-
FMKrallis, ChristosU20GRE23602314ΣΚΑΚΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΚΙΝΗΣΗ ΤΡΙΚΑΛΩΝ848,545,75447,5071016,7
IMRaahul, V SIND23110749,539,50419,5051013,4
Tsarsitalidis, KonstantinosU20GRE22252142ΣΑ ΘΕΣ/ΚΗΣ "ΛΕΥΚΟΣ ΠΥΡΓΟΣ"6,54734,00417,5062022,6
GMMastrovasilis, AthanasiosGRE24632439ΣΚΑΚΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΚΙΝΗΣΗ ΤΡΙΚΑΛΩΝ6,54534,504280410-8,2
Stratigos, SpirosU20GRE20031867ΠΑΝΙΩΝΙΟΣ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ6,543,529,50411,5062062,6
Guleryuz, KuzeyU16TUR206406,54231,00398,5054094
FMArgiroudis, StamatisGRE22632147ΟΣ ΤΡΙΑΝΔΡΙΑΣ648,533,00378042013,6
IMPadmini, RoutwIND2339064730,5041905102,3
WGMCharkhalashvili, IngawGEO22390646,532,7541303201,4
CMPapadopoulos, PanayotisGRE21061997ΑΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ "Ο ΑΡΗΣ"644,528,25403052035,6



Official site

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