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4th Cairns Cup R1: Harika does a 126-move marathon draw against Nana Dzagnidze

by Shahid Ahmed - 14/06/2024

GM Harika Dronavalli played a 126-move marathon draw against GM Nana Dzagnidze (GEO) in the first round of 4th Cairns Cup 2024. She had to sacrifice her bishop in the rook and opposite color bishop endgame to prevent the passed pawn from getting promoted. The India no.2 woman displayed fine technique to survive for 50 moves before the game ending in a draw against the Georgia no.1 woman. GM Mariya Muzychuk (UKR) made a beautiful double exchange sacrifice to beat the defending champion, IM Anna Zatonskih (USA). GM Alexandra Kosteniuk (SUI) and GM Zhongyi Tan (CHN) scored a win each over GM Elisabeth Paehtz (GER) and IM Alice Lee (USA) respectively. Round 2 starts today at 1 p.m. local time, 11:30 p.m. IST. Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Lennart Ootes

Mariya Muzychuk makes a brilliant start

The fourth edition of Cairns Cup is off to a great start. The fifth Women's World Champion - Nona Gaprindashvili (GEO) rang the bell to signify the start of the round in presence of Dr. Jeanne Cairns Sinquefield.

Harika Dronavalli displayed fantastic defensive technique in the rook vs rook and bishop endgame against Nana Dzagnidze | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Lennart Ootes

Cairns Cup official logo | Photo: Official site

Harika - Nana: 0.5-0.5

GM Harika Dronavalli had a 126-move long marathon draw against GM Nana Dzagnidze (GEO, 2506). In a rook and opposite color bishop endgame, at one point, Harika had to sacrifice her bishop to stop her opponent's passed pawn from becoming a runaway.

Position after 72...Kf3

White had to sacrifice her bishop now 73.Bxg4+ Kxg4 Harika defended for well over 50-moves before the game ended in a draw.

GM Harika Dronavalli in deep thought | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Crystal Fuller

GM Alexandra Kosteniuk (SUI) made a winning start against GM Elisabeth Paehtz (GER) | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Crystal Fuller

IM Alice Lee (USA) got outplayed by GM Zhongyi Tan (CHN) | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Crystal Fuller

GM Irina Krush (USA) had a well contested draw against... | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Lennart Ootes

...GM Anna Muzychuk (UKR) | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Crystal Fuller

Mariya - Anna Zatonskih: 1-0

GM Mariya Muzychuk (UKR, 2510) made a couple of fantastic exchange sacrifices to gain an initiative against the defending champion, IM Anna Zatonskih (USA, 2327).

Position after 31.Rxe6!

31.Rxe6! is the first exchange sacrifice Bxe6 32.Rxe6 Qd7 33.h3 Qc7 34.Rxg6! is the second exchange sacrifice hxg6 35.Qxg6 White now has the full control of the position. 35...Qe7 36.Be6 Qe8 37.f5 Re7?? 38.Nf4! Rxe6 a desperate return of one of the exchange to regain some kind of semblance 39.Qxe6 Qxe6 40.Nxe6 Re8 41.g6 and White went on to win the game.

GM Mariya Muzychuk (UKR) scored a fantastic win over the defending champion, IM Anna Zatonskih (USA) | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Crystal Fuller

The legend - Nona Gaprindashvili (GEO) rang the bell in presence of Dr. Jeanne Cairns Sinquefield to signal the start of the round | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Lennart Ootes

Round 1 in progress | Photo: Saint Louis Chess Club/Lennart Ootes

Replay live stream

Replay Round 1 Live Commentary by GM Yasser Seirawan, and IMs Jovanka Houska, Nazi Paikidze and Begim Tokhirjonova | Video: Saint Louis Chess Club

Replay Round 1 games

Round 1 results

1GM Dronavalli, Harika0.0IND2489GM Dzagnidze, Nana0.0GEO2506½-½
2GM Kosteniuk, Alexandra0.0SUI2501GM Paehtz, Elisabeth0.0GER24571-0
3IM Lee, Alice0.0USA2368GM Tan, Zhongyi0.0CHN25400-1
4GM Krush, Irina0.0USA2415GM Muzychuk, Anna0.0UKR2505½-½
5GM Muzychuk, Mariya0.0UKR2510IM Zatonskih, Anna0.0USA23271-0


Standings after Round 1


Round 2 pairings



Every day Round starts at 1 p.m. local time, 11:30 p.m. IST. Only rest day is on Tuesday 18th June 2024.

Thursday 6/13/24 13:00:00 Round 1
Friday 6/14/24 13:00:00 Round 2
Saturday 6/15/24 13:00:00 Round 3
Sunday 6/16/24 13:00:00 Round 4
Monday 6/17/24 13:00:00 Round 5
Tuesday 6/18/24 All Day Rest Day
Wednesday 6/19/24 13:00:00 Round 6
Thursday 6/20/24 13:00:00 Round 7
Friday 6/21/24 13:00:00 Round 8
Saturday 6/22/24 13:00:00 Round 9
Sunday 6/23/24 13:00:00 Playoff (if necessary)

Total prize fund

The total prize fund is US$ 200000.

Place Prize
1st $50,000
2nd $40,000
3rd $30,000
4th $20,000
5th $15,000
6th $11,000
7th $10,000
8th $9,000
9th $8,000
10th $7,000


It is a round-robin event with a Classical time control.


Official site

Tournament details

Saint Louis Chess Club: Official sitefacebook, twitter, instagram, youtube

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