Marathon Bishops on Boris Gelfand's birthday
05/07/2024 -A lot of pieces of various roles in different stages of the game. Bishop is often known as 'Sniper' for his long range. Have you heard of 'Marathon Bishops' ? What is this term - new or old? Knowing certain concepts will always help to understand various transitions, for e.g. middlegame to endgame. GM Sundararajan Kidambi explores the concept, which he found while going through GM Axel Smith's book on color complexes. Check out the detailed analysis by Kidambi written on the legend - GM Boris Gelfand's birthday and enrich your understanding in this new terminology. The concept is not new though. If you like his explanations, do mention in the comments, so that it inspires Kidambi to share more from his fountain of knowledge. Photo: Shahid Ahmed