राउंड -12 ड्रॉ ::: मोहरो नें कहा -तू चल मैं आया !
तू चल मैं आया जी हाँ कुछ ऐसा ही नजारा था आज मोहरो का खेल में आज मोहरे लगातार खेल से बाहर होते रहे जिन लोगो को इतने दिनो से समय नहीं मिला था वो सोच रहे थे की आज विश्व शतरंज चैंपियनशिप का फ़ाइनल मैच जरूर देखेंगे और इस महामुकाबले का देर रात तक मजा लेंगे पर आज के जल्द ही ड्रॉ हुए मैच ने उनकी उम्मीद पूरी नहीं होने दी । किसी ने भी नहीं सोचा था की सफ़ेद मोहरो से खेल रहे कार्लसन खुद इस मैच को ड्रॉ रखते हुए टाई ब्रेक में जाना पसंद करेंगे खुद कर्जाकिन के लिए भी यह चौंकाने वाला कदम रहा । खैर इस बात से यह भी साफ है की 30 नवंबर को अब टाई ब्रेक के साथ खेल अपने नए रोमांच को छूएगा छोटे फॉर्मेट में होने वाले ये मैच हर कोई पूरा देखना चाहेगा ,इतनी लंबी विश्व चैंपियनशिप का सारा निचोड़ जब आपको एक दिन में देखने मिले तो कौन इसका आनंद उठाना नहीं चाहेगा !
हालांकि यह निर्णय काफी चौंकने वाला रहा पर यह दिखाता है की कार्लसन की तैयारी जरूर बेहतर है हालांकि मेगनस कार्लसन दोनों रैपिड और ब्लिट्ज़ दोनों में कर्जाकिन से ज्यादा रेटिंग रखते है पर कर्जाकिन निश्चित तौर पर रैपिड के अच्छे खिलाड़ी माने जाते है और छोटे फॉर्मेट में कार्लसन का प्रदर्शन कभी स्थिर नहीं रहा है इसीलिए कर्जाकिन के प्रशंसक मैच का टाई ब्रेक में जाना एक प्रकार से इसे कर्जाकिन के लिए एक बड़ी उपलब्धि मान रहे है ।
आज फिर मैच शुरुआत कार्लसन से राजा का प्यादा 1.e4 चलकर की और कर्जाकिन ने भी राजा का ही प्यादा 1..e5 चलकर जबाब दिया और खेल एक बार फिर राय लोपेज में ही खेला गया लगभग 9 चाल तक खेल तीसरे मैच की त्रज पर खेला गया पर 10वीं चाल में कार्लसन नें चाल बदल दी और उन्होने किसी भी तरह से सफ़ेद मोहरो से दबाव डालने के बजाए आसानी से मोहरो के आदान प्रदान करने के अवसर खुद कर्जाकिन को उपलब्ध कराये और कर्जाकिन के लिए यह एक अच्छा प्रस्ताव था ।
ग्रांड मास्टर यासेर सेरवान का विश्लेषण
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.11.28"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Carlsen, Magnus"]
[Black "Karjakin, Sergey"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[PlyCount "60"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
{Notes by Yasser Seirawan - While both players have much to lament, each
receiving a sympathetic ear, let's face it: The Arbiters have been brilliant.
They have been out of sight and nary a word about them has been spoken. Out of
the spotlight they have trebled checked that bane of all chess players - the
clock. The battery is functioning (good), the time control has been set to the
right one (very good), the board and pieces have been set up correctly (most
excellent). And so it all comes down to this: After eleven hard fought games
the twelfth and final game would be played for all the marbles. I wanted to
describe the situation as high drama. But my 'Spidey sense' began to tingle as
I considered the word. Blessed with a heightened sense of caution I decided to
look up the current definition of the word. You see the English language
changes. Nearly every day in fact. Just like the FIDE rules committee that
loves to change the rules of chess, so to do the committees that define words
in the English language. It can get pretty confusing. To assuage my internal
warnings I double-checked and learned something new while bringing myself
up-to-date: drama: Top definition: "Something women and especially teenage
girls thrive on. Consisting of any number of situations that have an easy
solution, which would bring a fairly good outcome, but these girls choose
another, shitty, bad way to deal with it, again consisting of backstabbing,
blackmailing/gossiping/betraying their friends, or the all-too-common, "I want
to break up with him but I still love him!" It drives men and what I like to
call "normal" girls nuts." Urban Dictionary. Hmm. Right. Just as expected a
surprising change. Oh boy, I'm already in trouble and this is before
annotating move one. Somehow, I can't quite put my finger on it but the (for
me) new definition just feels a tiny bit to be politically incorrect. I
confess I'm not the most astute in such matters. Therefore, let us put high
drama aside for a moment and instead set up the situation from a different
point of view... Many fans and even none-fans have asked me the question,
"What makes one grandmaster stronger than another?" A fair question. Once when
describing himself against his colleagues World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik saw
himself, "As first amongst equals." It seems the top grandmasters know all the
various chess skills and instead to find an answer to such a question we
should consider the intangibles: Confidence; ambition; determination; good
health; a supportive team; good food; a strong stomach; a working internet
connection; staying regular and other key factors. The twelfth game would
require a supreme effort by both players featuring nerves of steel coupled
with boundless energy. They would before the gong imagine a long, hard fought
game where conquering their nerves and remaining calm at those crucial moments
is vital. They would review their preparation to the best of their abilities
while hoping to out-calculate their opponent in the heat of battle. Doing all
the things that grandmasters do so well. But there is another intangible to
consider as well: At such a moment are you capable of getting a good night's
sleep? Don't laugh. It is an important question. Imagine yourself in the role
of Challenger Sergey Karjakin. You are to have a career defining moment. An
opportunity to become World Chess Champion. A dream come true. With so many
thoughts and emotions racing through your mind, will you be able to recharge
your battery for the biggest contest of your life? But which player is
carrying the bigger pressure? Same questions for Magnus Carlsen, the World
Champion. Experts, pollsters and fans had all been unanimous predicting an
easy match win. They were stone-cold wrong. Lucky to be at a level score, what
risks should Magnus take to try to clinch the match? To go all in as White in
the final game? As did Veselin Topalov with White against Viswanathan Anand in
2010? A decision which cost him the match... So many questions. So many
worries and all you really want is to rest and recharge your battery. To sleep
peacefully with pleasant dreams of victory. Perhaps such an ability, that one,
to cast aside your concerns and get a good night sleep, is what makes one
grandmaster stronger than another? Before the battle commenced, I wondered,
would we see a real drama? Wait, now I'm certain that's not the word I want to
use. In this preamble I've got it all wrong entangling myself in knots. I
think National Basketball Association legend Michael Jordan said it best at
such moments, "Go out and just enjoy the game. Don't think about the
consequences. If you do, you'll freeze."} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. O-O
{A first indication that perhaps the "decisive" final Classical game in the
match might not be all that decisive after all. For Game 10, Magnus played:} (
4. d3 {Keeping all the pieces on the board.}) 4... Nxe4 5. Re1 {Uh oh. The
second indication the game is about to fizzle.} Nd6 6. Nxe5 Be7 7. Bf1 Nxe5 8.
Rxe5 O-O 9. d4 Bf6 10. Re1 {Not repeating Game 3, where Magnus tried:} (10. Re2
$5 {A move that didn't promise much but almost brought him great success.})
10... Re8 {All according to modern theory as well as strategic principles. The
e-file is open and therefore the chopping block for the major pieces.} 11. Bf4
Rxe1 12. Qxe1 Ne8 {The first moment of "excitement" quickly passes. I'm a
notorious pawn-grubber but the d4-bait is poisonous:} (12... Bxd4 $6 13. Bxd6
cxd6 (13... Bxb2 $4 14. Bxc7 {Simply wins for White.}) 14. Nc3 {When I much
prefer White's position. Black has difficulties developing while White's moves
play themselves:} Rb8 15. Rd1 Be5 16. Nd5 {White's initiative is getting
serious.}) 13. c3 d5 14. Bd3 g6 {Practice has proven that the symmetry in the
position is hard to crack. With a draw being the most likely result.} 15. Na3
$6 {A confounding move. After all, where is the Knight heading? I will
certainly not claim that after the standard:} (15. Nd2 Ng7 16. Qe2 c6 17. Re1
Bf5 18. Bxf5 Nxf5 19. Nb3 {It is all "blue sky" for White. Truly, there is not
much in the position but the chances for a pull lay in this direction.}) 15...
c6 16. Nc2 Ng7 17. Qd2 {This one also had me perplexed. Trying my best to
channel my "inner Magnus" I wrongly thought his Knight maneuver was designed
to cover the f5-square:} (17. Ne3 {Seemed to be his intended follow-up. True,
it does stop Black's: ...Bc8-f5, plan but allows another in its stead:} Nh5 $1
18. Bh6 Bg5 19. Bxg5 Qxg5 {With a Knight coming to the f4-square Black has
solved all his Opening problems.}) 17... Bf5 18. Bxf5 Nxf5 19. Ne3 Nxe3 20.
Qxe3 Qe7 21. Qxe7 Bxe7 {The mutual hacking continues. The board is nearly
empty. Just one last trade along the chopping block remains.} 22. Re1 Bf8 {
I'm sorely tempted to give this move an exclamation mark. After all I'm a paid
commentator and I have to earn my keep. That would make one for the whole game.
In truth Black had a perfectly decent alternative as well.} (22... Re8 {
Grandmasters do not make such moves: Walking into a "self-pin." However, there
is no way for White to exploit the moment:} 23. Bg5 Kf8 24. Bh6+ Kg8 {Black is
ready to play: ...f7-f6, and ...Kg8-f7, releasing the pin, with the time
honored ritual of signing the scoresheets to follow.}) 23. Kf1 f6 24. g4 {
This bold thrust does not hold the promise of a vicious attack, so hold the
trumpets. Actually it is actually quite safe.} Kf7 25. h3 $1 {At last, I'm in
a generous mood, "Give the man an exclam!" The text shows "understanding." In
a Bishop ending, pawns should be on the opposite colored squares from the
Bishop. The text also insures against adversity: The possibility of blundering
a pawn is greatly reduced.} Re8 26. Rxe8 Kxe8 {The tasks along the chopping
block have all been completed. The play must continue until move thirty. At
least.} 27. Ke2 Kd7 28. Kd3 Ke6 29. a4 a6 30. f3 Be7 {Draw agreed. Oh boy. My
preamble was longer than my notes to the game. Likely for good reasons. I'll
leave it to other more gifted writers to share their thoughts on this downer.
Instead, I'll just boldly state the obvious: A very disappointing conclusion
to an intense World Championship match. Such games do not kindle interest in
our glorious sport. Maybe I pegged it right after all? Perhaps Magnus did not
get enough sleep? Now another rest day follows and on Wednesday the tension
will be at its zenith as the title of who will be World Chess Champion will be
decided by tiebreaks.} 1/2-1/2

आइए देखते है विश्व रैंकिंग में दोनों खिलाड़ी किस स्थिति में है
रैपिड विश्व रैंकिंग
1 | Carlsen | 2894.0 |
2 | Nakamura | 2839.0 |
3 | Karjakin | 2818 i |
4 | Nepomniachtchi | 2812.0 |
5 | Mamedyarov | 2805.0 |
6 | Dominguez Perez | 2803.0 |
7 | Anand | 2802.0 |
8 | Vachier-Lagrave | 2795.0 |
9 | Radjabov | 2788 i |
10 | Kramnik | 2778.0 |
ब्लिट्ज़ विश्व रैंकिंग
1 | Ding Liren | 2875.0 |
2 | Carlsen | 2873.0 |
3 | Nakamura | 2842.0 |
4 | Nepomniachtchi | 2830.0 |
5 | Aronian | 2830.0 |
6 | Vachier-Lagrave | 2823.0 |
7 | Mamedyarov | 2813.0 |
8 | Radjabov | 2800 i |
9 | Karjakin | 2800.0 |
10 | Caruana | 2800.0 |
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