In the footsteps of Humpy and Harika: 10-year-old Sahithi Varshini
Sahithi Varshini from Visakhapatnam is a tremendous talent. She learnt chess at the age of eight years. Within two years she was standing on the podium of the Asian Youth under-10 championships in Uzbekistan receiving the gold medal in both classical and blitz sections. This is a story of a father transferring his intense passion and the desire to excel at the game to his daughter. It's a tale of how hard work and dedication can move the mountains. Know more about the 2007 born Sahithi Varshini - the future star of Indian chess.
Moogi Lokeswara Rao was a hard working man. He would go to his HPCL office early in the morning and come back in the evening. He was a senior officer and had a wonderful family - wife and two daughters. Life was good, but the zing was missing. Back in his childhood days Lokesh had always nurtured the dream of becoming a chess professional. He worked very hard and had read a lot of books, but things didn't work out. If not me, then I will make one of my daughters into a chess champion. With this thought one evening after work, Lokesh came back home and decided to teach his elder daughter the game of chess.
Seeing Sahithi's passion and acumen for the game of chess, the father made a bold decision of stopping schooling for the next six months. Sahithi started learning chess seriously at the age of 8 years. By today's standards, considering that we have National under-7 being held, and sometimes even under-5, this was pretty late. However, Lokesh was determined and starting training his daughter with whatever knowledge he had about the game.
With just six months of training Sahithi went to play in the national under-9 championships in Ahmedabad 2015. She finished 20th and Lokesh's faith in his daughter's abilities increased manifold.
As if this performance wasn't enough, Sahithi followed it up with another scintillating show at the blitz section of the same tournament and won the gold medal scoring 8.5/9. This time the runner-up scored 6.5, two points less than Sahithi.
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Sahithi, Varshini"]
[Black "Ayaulym, Kaldarova"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A80"]
[WhiteElo "1368"]
[BlackElo "1367"]
[Annotator "Sagar Shah"]
[PlyCount "55"]
[SourceDate "2017.07.02"]
[SourceVersionDate "2017.07.02"]
1. d4 e6 2. Bf4 $5 {Sahithi goes for the fashionable London.} f5 3. e3 d5 4.
Nf3 Nf6 5. Nbd2 Be7 6. Bd3 O-O 7. c3 b6 8. Ne5 Bb7 9. g4 $1 {I really like the
fact of how the girl did not use her time to 0-0 and started a kingside attack.
In fact 0-0 would have been quite normal, but then you cannot really launch
this attack with g4, which is a typical idea against the Stonewall.} Ne4 10.
gxf5 Nxd2 $2 (10... exf5 {was a better option.}) 11. Kxd2 $1 {Excellent move!
The king is very safe in the centre. With this move the rooks are connected,
and White launches a huge attack on the black king.} Bg5 (11... exf5 12. Rg1 {
Just the fact that the bishop is going to h6, Queen to h5, rooks doubling down
the g-file is enough to convince you that Black won't last for long here.}) 12.
Qh5 $1 Bxf4 13. f6 $1 {A mate awaits on h7.} Bh6 14. f7+ Kh8 15. Ng6+ $1 (15.
Qg6 $1 {was also very powerful. The aesthetic sense in me likes this move
better, but Sahithi's solution was equaly strong.} hxg6 (15... Bxe3+ 16. fxe3
Qh4 17. Rhg1 $18) 16. Nxg6+ Kh7 17. Nxf8+ Kh8 18. Ng6+ Kh7 19. f8=Q Qxf8 20.
Nxf8+ $18 {White is clearly winning.}) 15... hxg6 16. Qxg6 Bxe3+ 17. fxe3 Qh4
18. Raf1 (18. Rhg1 {with the threat of mate on g7 was very powerful.} Qh6 (
18... Qf2+ 19. Kd1 Qf3+ 20. Kc2 Qf2+ 21. Kb3 $18) 19. Qxh6+ gxh6 20. Rg6 Rxf7
21. Rag1 Nd7 22. Rxh6+ {It's all over.}) 18... Qh6 {Black is now able to
exchange the queens but the position is simply winning.} 19. Rf3 $1 e5 20. Rg1
Qxg6 (20... e4 21. Rh3 $1 $18) 21. Bxg6 Bc8 22. Rg5 Rxf7 23. Rh5+ Kg8 24. Rxf7
Be6 25. Re7 Bd7 26. Rh7 Kf8 27. Rf7+ Kg8 28. Rh8+ {A very nice finish. I would
say, this was some excellent bit of chess shown by a 10-year-old girl.} 1-0
Two moves that really stood out for me were:
1. 9.g4! instead of the normal move 0-0 which White could play without a thought. Sahithi was intent on attacking the black king and found a way to open the lines.
2. 11.Kxd2! Once the move is made, the strength of it is quite apparent. However, during the game, it is quite usual that we miss such unusual moves!
Moogi Lokeswara Rao has done a great job of inculcating a passion for not only the game, but also hard work in his daughter. Judging from her results and game, it seems like an indisputable fact that Sahithi Varshini has a bright future in front of her. But, she is at an important crossroads in her chess career. Professional coaching and financial support will go a long way in converting this talent into a full fledged, well rounded chess player.
"Sahithi suffered seriously from bad health when she was 6 years old. She had dengue fever and doctors had told that even survival was going to be not easy for her. I am proud of my girl that she not only came out fighting from that, but she is making me and the country proud with her chess achievements," says the father brimming with pride!
ChessBase India would like to present one year of ChessBase Account Premium Membership to Sahithi in order to improve at the game and become a stronger player.
Sahithi is playing at the Commonwealth Championships in the under-10 girls section. ChessBase India wishes her the best.