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CircleChess launches Caissa School of Chess to nurture chess talents

by Tina Popli - 29/08/2024

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a personalized chess school tailored specifically to work on your unique strengths and weaknesses? CircleChess is about to make this dream a reality with the launch of the Caissa School of Chess. CircleChess’ commitment to mentorship has always been at the core of their mission believing in the power of coaches by also adding a touch of Artificial intelligence to it. Ready to explore how this groundbreaking approach could transform your game? Read on to find out more about this school!

Caissa School of Chess

As beginners, many of the players find that while they excel at certain aspects of chess, they struggle to improve in other areas. This is where personalized coaching comes in—a coach who understands your strengths and weaknesses can guide you to become a well-rounded player.

Let's understand this with a scenario:

Three chess enthusiasts who are passionate about the game are stuck in different areas of their chess journey.

1. One player is good at calculation and can respond to an opponent's moves precisely by anticipating their moves and calculating however when it comes to strategies, they struggle. Despite their strong tactical and calculation skills, their games often fall apart due to a lack of strategic foundation.

2. The second player excels at strategies whereas calculations are their weakness and hence misses tactical variations and overlooks various threats.

3. The third player is solid in both strategy and calculation but lacks in endgames. Despite reaching favorable positions, they lack the ability to convert the game.

Now, each of them decides to join a coaching program. But here’s the question: Will joining the same coaching class help them achieve their goals, or will they end up spending more time on areas they already excel in while their weak points remain underdeveloped as the classes are not personalized as per their requirements?

This is precisely the challenge that CircleChess aims to address with the launch of the Caissa School of Chess. This isn’t just another chess program—it’s a tailored, multi-faceted approach designed to help players develop a complete skill set, no matter where they currently stand, from unrated beginners to advanced players, and enhance their preparation with personalized goals set.

As discussed in the above scenario, at this stage, players typically struggle with three main areas, which this program addresses through three distinct study groups:

i) Strategy

ii) Calculation

iii) Endgame

i) Strategy: For those who struggle with creating long-term plans and understanding positional play, this group focuses on deepening strategic understanding and mastery.

ii) Calculation: Players who excel at strategy but need to sharpen their tactical vision can join this group, where they’ll learn to analyze moves, anticipate their opponent’s responses, and calculate variations effectively.

iii) Endgame: For those who reach favorable positions but find it difficult to close out the game, this group emphasizes practical endgame application and mastering theoretical concepts.

Additionally, there’s a special Psychology class available, designed to help players manage stress and anxiety before and after games.

The Caissa School of Chess has designed these three main study groups to ensure that players can focus on their specific weaknesses. Whether you lack strategic insight, struggle with calculations, or need to improve your endgame, there’s a study group tailored just for you. This personalized approach ensures that you’re not just learning, but truly growing as a player by addressing the areas that matter most to your development. Players can choose the study group/s that best suits their needs, ensuring a personalized learning experience for them, and joining all the study groups would be highly beneficial for those who are looking to improvise in all the areas to accelerate the process in this journey.

After exploring the three study groups—it’s clear that each of these areas requires personalized focused attention. But what makes the Caissa School of Chess truly special is not just these study groups; it’s the comprehensive support system that revolves around Guidance, mentorship Training, Interaction, Engagement, and Constant Support.

These elements work together to ensure that you receive an all-rounded chess learning experience. The following section explains how these factors are integrated, utilizing various platforms designed specially for you which provide you with the best possible learning experience.

What can you expect from this program?

As briefly discussed in the above section - According to your requirements, this program consists of some packages which you can choose accordingly. Every package consists of:

1. Weekly Masterclass by Grandmaster per study group

This program also includes a live Masterclass by Grandmaster every week per study group. These include exclusive interactive online sessions with the World’s best coaches: GM Vishnu, GM Swapnil, GM Srinath, GM Akash, GM Swayams, and GM Arjun. What more? If you miss out on the class, you’ll also be provided with recorded sessions. Have a look at the weekly schedule

2. Caissa - AI Chess coach Subscription

Caissa, built by CircleChess is an AI-powered Chess Coach that helps you track your progress with daily positions, games, and a lot more which include weekly assignments, tournaments, etc.

3. Chess Buddy

Chess Buddy is an innovative feature available to provide you with a specialized chess expert coach to be your Buddy and help you by guiding you with the right path. You can get help with your chess questions or doubts related to the school with the help of a dedicated WhatsApp helpline or 1-1 call support.

4. Community Access

The program also includes Exclusive Community Access to engage with Grandmaster coaches where you can ask anything about chess, post/view daily content, solve positions, Discuss assignments, Weekly Training Positions from the Latest games, and a lot more!

What level of players is this best suited for?

This program is best suited for:

1. Unrated Players competing in tournaments

2. Rating from 1400-2000

3. Ambitious Players looking to improve their chess

Subscriptions and Packages

As discussed above, a player can choose any number of study groups as per their specific needs, and select from various subscription durations: 1, 3, 6, or 12 months. For every number of study groups you choose, you have different packages available at reasonable prices. CircleChess recommends a minimum of a 3-month subscription to see the effect of the course.

Have a look at the below list of packages and subscriptions.

A look at the Subscription details

Now that you know the packages and subscriptions let’s jump into the registrations details.

Register here to enroll yourself in the Caissa School of Chess and enhance your chess journey and experience with CircleChess.

Additionally, Caissa School of Chess is offering you a free 2-hour Buddy call for guidance if you register for 3 or more than 3 months' plans. Also, if you choose a 6 or more 6 months of subscription, your Caissa subscription will be upgraded to the Caissa Champions plan. Know more about Caissa's plans and details.

While the most preferred option is to go with a 3+ months plan and with as many study groups/cohorts that suit you the best - the benefits of joining all the mentioned cohorts are truly beneficial for those looking to excel in every aspect of chess in this critical phase of development. They are as follows:

1. Conceptual clarity both theoretical and practical aspects.

2. Balanced skill development as you excel in your strong areas and improve on your weak areas of the game.

3. Resilience to be capable of adapting to various opponents and playing styles.

By engaging fully with Caissa School of Chess, you’re not only enhancing your chess learning experience but embracing a completely new level of chess journey with a touch of everything starting from training for your improvement to live master classes from Grandmasters! Then what are you waiting for? Register here.

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