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Ian Nepomniachtchi tops 10th Gashimov Memorial 2024 Rapid

by Shahid Ahmed - 27/09/2024

Ian Nepomniachtchi finished at the top of the standings at 10th Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2024 Rapid. He started the day with a win over Richard Rapport (HUN), then suffered his sole loss of the event against Rauf Mamedov (AZE). He bounced back in the next round with a win against Aravindh Chithambaram. The former World Championship Challenger drew with Aydin Suleymanli (AZE) to finish with 10/14, a full point ahead of Shakhriyar Mamedyarov. Aravindh Chithambaram had a better second day as he drew with Mamedyarov and defeated Suleymanli. He finished the Rapid event scoring 5/14. Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB) made a strong comeback by winning the last two games to finish with 8/14. A total of 14 rounds of Blitz will be played tomorrow, starting from 3 p.m. local time, 4:30 p.m. IST. Photos: Shahid Ahmed

Only Rauf Mamedov manages to beat Nepomniachtchi

As many as eleven out of 16 games ended decisively on the second and final day of Rapid. Ian Nepomniachtchi has a full point lead heading into the Blitz event. However, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (AZE) and Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB) would certainly like to change that. Rauf Mamedov (AZE) became the sole person to beat Nepomniachtchi and he won it clinically.

Ian Nepomniachtchi finished at the top of the Rapid standings of 10th Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2024

Round 4: Mamedyarov - Aravindh: 1-1

GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (AZE, 2683) and GM Aravindh Chithambaram (2543) faced each other only once in a rated game at World Blitz 2023. Aravindh won that game. This time the game had a wild start arising out of Albin-Counter Gambit.

Position after 5...g5

6.Nf3 gxf4 7.Bxf4 Nge7 8.Bg5 Rg8 9.Bf6 Bg7 10.c5 Bxf6 11.exf6 Ng6 12.Bb5 Bd7 13.Bxc6 Bxc6 14.Qxd4 Qxd4 15.Nxd4 Black managed to equalize and eventually the game ended in a draw.

Aravindh Chithambaram held Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (AZE) to a draw after a wild start

Rauf Mamedov (AZE) almost saved a lost endgame until he blundered at the end and Aydin Suleymanli (AZE) walked away with a full point

Nepomniachtchi - Rapport

Position after 2...d5

It is rare to see 2...d5 in a Pirc Defense but that occured in this game when GM Ian Nepomniachtchi (2752) went 2.f4 and GM Richard Rapport (HUN, 2704) replied 2...d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.Nc3 Qd6 almost a Scandinavian where White has an extra f4. Black could not get out of the gate and eventually lost the game.

Ian Nepomniachtchi defeated his coleader Richard Rapport (HUN) to gain sole lead

A minute-long silence was observed before the start of Round 4 on the occasion of Azerbaijan Rememberance Day.

Round 5: Abdusattorov - Mamedyarov: 0-2

Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB, 2723) suffered for the better part of the game against Shakhriyar Mamedyarov. Eventually in the endgame, he got one final opportunity to save the game.

Position after 48...Bb2

49.Bxb2 Rxb2 50.Rf5 Rf6 51.Rxf6 gxf6 52.Ra7 is what White needed to play. Instead, 49.Rd3?? Rf6-+ completely turned things again in Black's favor who won the game.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (AZE) scored his first win of the event against Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB)

Rauf - Nepomniachtchi: 2-0

The last time Rauf Mamedov (AZE) and Ian Nepomniachtchi played rated games was at FIDE World Cup 2023. Rauf got eliminated by Nepomniachtchi then.

Position after 22...Rbf8?

22...Rbf8? allowed a nice tactic 23.Nd7! Kxd7 24.Rxf7+ Black lost a pawn Kc8 25.Rxg7 Rxf1+ 26.Bxf1 Rh5 and after a few moves Black made a bigger mistake.

Position after 32...Rh5?

32...Rh5? is the final mistake by Black. Find out why. Rauf spotted correctly again and went on to win the game without making any mistake.

Rauf Mamedov handed Ian Nepomniachtchi his first loss of the event

Aravindh - Suleymanli

Position after 45.c5

Despite getting a decisive advantage early in the opening, Aravindh seemed to stumble his way as he allowed his opponent Suleymanli to equalize, only to falter at the end 45...Bd3?? Try to figure out why it is a mistake. Aravindh figured it out and managed to win the game.

Aravindh Chithambaram scored his second win of the event

GM Peter Wells appreciated Aravindh's unique choice of openings which brought him some valuable points

Mamedyarov - Suleymanli, Round 6

Position after 41.Kd2

The best square for the attacked knight is d1. The unbelievable 41...Nd1 is the correct move for Black. He could not find it and played 41...Nb5? 42.Ke3 Na3 43.Rxh6 Nc2+ 44.Ke2 and White eventually won the game.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (AZE) won his second consecutive game

Nepomniachtchi - Aravindh: 2-0

Aravindh Chithambaram played only once against Ian Nepomniachtchi at World Rapid 2022. It ended in a draw.

Position after 27.Ne2

After 27.Ne2 Black needed to play 27...c6 to reinforce his d5-pawn and not allow it to be a weakness, which is what happened in the game. Black lost the d5-pawn and the full point.

Ian Nepomniachtchi halted Aravindh Chithambaram's great momentum on the second day

Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB) scored his first win of the day against Richard Rapport (HUN)

Rauf Mamedov (AZE) lost a winning game against Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB), he had a draw as a minimum

Aravindh - Artemiev, Round 7

Position after 54...Rxc4

In time trouble, Aravindh blundered in a difficult rook endgame. 55.Ke3?? Ke5 56.Rc8 Rc3+ and Black went on to win the game. Computer says White stays in the game when he opts for 55.Kf3.

Aravindh Chithambaram fought well against Vladislav Artemiev

Aydin Suleymanli (AZE) - Ian Nepomniachtchi match started early and finished quickly in a draw

Ian Nepomniachtchi started his seventh round game earlier with Chief Arbiter's permission as he had a Champions Chess Tour Julius Baer Generations Cup Quarterfinal match against Magnus Carlsen.

Round 7 in progress

Replay live stream

Replay 10th Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2024 Rapid Round 4-6 live stream | Video: Gashimov Chess Memorial

Replay Round 4-7 games


The Rapid tournament will be held in a Round-Robin system and the Blitz tournament will be played in a Double Round-Robin system with eight players. The Rapid event will take place on 26th and 27th September, the first round starts at 3:30 p.m. local time, 4:30 p.m. IST. On the last day, Saturday 28th September, a total of 14 rounds of Blitz games will be played starting from 3 p.m. local time, 4:30 p.m. IST.

Time Control

The Rapid tournament will be played in 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment. The Blitz event will have 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment.


Rapid: Win 2 points, Draw 1 point and Loss 0.

Blitz: Win 1 point, Draw 0.5 point and Loss 0.

Tie-break rules

The final standings will be determined according to sum of points of both Rapid and Blitz events.

Round 4-7 results

Round 4 on 2024/09/27 at 15:00
182683GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar½ - ½GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.25436
272565GMSuleymanli, Aydin1 - 0GMMamedov, Rauf26175
312752GMNepomniachtchi, Ian1 - 0GMRapport, Richard27044
422740GMArtemiev, Vladislav½ - ½GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek27233
Round 5 on 2024/09/27 at 16:15
132723GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek0 - 1GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar26838
242704GMRapport, Richard½ - ½GMArtemiev, Vladislav27402
352617GMMamedov, Rauf1 - 0GMNepomniachtchi, Ian27521
462543GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.1 - 0GMSuleymanli, Aydin25657
Round 6 on 2024/09/27 at 17:30
182683GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar1 - 0GMSuleymanli, Aydin25657
212752GMNepomniachtchi, Ian1 - 0GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.25436
322740GMArtemiev, Vladislav½ - ½GMMamedov, Rauf26175
432723GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek1 - 0GMRapport, Richard27044
Round 7 on 2024/09/27 at 18:45
142704GMRapport, Richard0 - 1GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar26838
252617GMMamedov, Rauf0 - 1GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek27233
362543GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.GMArtemiev, Vladislav27402
472565GMSuleymanli, Aydin½ - ½GMNepomniachtchi, Ian27521


Standings in Rapid after Round 7 (1 results missing)

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11GMNepomniachtchi, IanFID275250416,25
28GMMamedyarov, ShakhriyarAZE26834,50314,75
33GMAbdusattorov, NodirbekUZB272340310,50
44GMRapport, RichardHUN27043127,50
52GMArtemiev, VladislavFID274031110,50
67GMSuleymanli, AydinAZE25653119,50
76GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.IND25432,5027,25
85GMMamedov, RaufAZE26172018,75


Blitz Round 1 pairings

112766GMNepomniachtchi, IanGMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar27108
222808GMArtemiev, VladislavGMSuleymanli, Aydin25807
332684GMAbdusattorov, NodirbekGMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.25866
442737GMRapport, RichardGMMamedov, Rauf26385



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