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10th Gashimov Memorial 2024 Rapid R1-3: Aravindh Chithambaram bests Rauf Mamedov after a rough start

by Shahid Ahmed - 26/09/2024

Aravindh Chithambaram scored his first win at 10th Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2024 against Rauf Mamedov (AZE). After losing two games in-a-row against Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB) and Richard Rapport (HUN), Aravindh won a sharp game in Round 3. He put up a good fight against the Hungary no.1. Ian Nepomniachtchi and Rapport are the two early leaders scoring 5/6 each. Last year's Rapid event winner, Aydin Suleymanli (AZE) also remained undefeated on the first day, scoring 1.5/3. The only player to have competed in all ten editions of this event, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (AZE) missed two wins in his first two games against Nepomniachtchi and Rauf. Round 4 starts tomorrow from 3 p.m. local time, 4:30 p.m. IST. Photos: Shahid Ahmed

Nepomniachtchi, Rapport and Suleymanli make an unbeaten start

The tournament is very strong. Five out of eight players suffered at least one loss each in the first three rounds of the Rapid event. That definitely shows the competitiveness of this event. It is also part of the ongoing FIDE Circuit as announced by Mahir Mammedov, President, Azerbaijan Chess Federation and Vice President, FIDE.

Aravindh Chithambaram finished the first day with a win

Round 1: Mamedyarov - Nepomniachtchi: 1-1

GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (AZE, 2683) got himself an early advantage out of the queenless middlegame against GM Ian Nepomniachtchi (2752).

Position after 29.Kb1

White's pieces are poorly coordinated. The rook at a3 and the knight at b3 are miserable. 29...a5 is what Black needed to play 30.Nc1 a4 and Black would have been positionally winning. Instead, 29...Bxb3 30.Rxb3 alleviated the pressure slightly. However, White eventually blundered in a pawn race of a rook endgame.

Position after 51...g4

White blundered 52.Rf8+?? it only helped Black to improve his king's position Ke4 53.Rg8 Kf3 54.Rf8+ Kg2 55.Kd3 e4+ 56.Ke3 g3 57.Rg8 now Black made a big mistake.

Position after 57.Rg8

Black needed to improve his rook before moving the king 57...Rf5 was necessary. 57...Kh2?? 58.Kxe4 and White managed to save a half point.

Ian Nepomniachtchi barely survived from losing against Shakhriyar Mamedyarov

Rapport - Rauf

Final position after 69.Qa7#

Richard Rapport won a prolonged battle against Rauf Mamedov

Gasim Gashimov, father of late GM Vugar Gashimov made the inaugural first move on Nodirbek Abdusattorov and Aravindh Chithambaram's board

IO Mahir Mammedov, President, Azerbaijan Chess Federation and Vice President, FIDE, made the inaugural first move on Ian Nepomniachtchi and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov's board

Round 2: Mamedyarov- Mamedov: 1-1

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov once again managed to get a decisive advantage. However, he could not convert it against Rauf Mamedov.

Position after 37...Bg7

38.d6 is what White needed to play to press on his advantage. White missed some more chances before his opponent managed to salvage a draw. 

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov missed a win in his second consecutive game

Aravindh - Rapport

Position after 34...Ne4

Aravindh Chithambaram (2543) needed to play the bold 35.f6 Nxd2 36.Rxd2 Qc4 37.fxe7 Qg4 and White is still in the game. 35.Rc2 Bg5 36.Bd4 0-0-0 37.Nc3 Kb8 38.Qf3 Qc4 39.Nxe4?? White sacrificed the exchange at the wrong moment Qxc2-+ and Richard Rapport (HUN, 2704) converted his advantage into a win.

Aravindh Chithambaram - Richard Rapport | Video: ChessBase India

Aravindh Chithambaram put up a very good fight against Richard Rapport

Suleymanli - Abdusattorov

Position after 37...Bxh3?!

Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB, 2723) decided to spice things up 37...Bxh3?! Aydin Suleymanli (AZE, 2565) accepted the sacrifice 38.gxh3 Qxh3 39.Rf7 Rb8 40.Rc2 instead Re3 is recommended by the computer to give decisive advantage. After a few moves, the game ended in a draw via repetition.

Aydin Suleymanli (AZE) and Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB) had an exciting battle

Nepomniachtchi - Artemiev

Position after 30...Qxb2??

In an already difficult, Vladislav Artemiev (2710) made things difficult for himself by capturing the b2-pawn 30...Qxb2?? 31.Qg3 Rdd7 32.Rh5 Qc1 33.Qh4 R1e7 34.Rh8+ Kf7 35.Rxg7+ and Black resigned as checkmate is inevitable in the next move.

Ian Nepomniachtchi - Vladislav Artemiev | Video: ChessBase India

Ian Nepomniachtchi defeated Vladislav Artemiev comfortably

Artemiev bounced back with a win over Mamedyarov

Abdusattorov - Nepomniachtchi: 0-2

Abdusattorov lost a winning game against Nepomniachtchi. He made a few strange decisions.

Position after 37...b5

The simplest variation 38.Nxc2 Ba7 39.Nd4 would have maintained the decisive advantage for White. Instead, White opted for 38.Nxb5 Nh5 39.Ra3?! Rxa3 40.Nxa3 Rxc3? 41.Qxc3 Ba7+ 42.Kh1 Qh4 43.Qc8+?? was the final mistake by White Kh7 44.Qg4 Qf2 and Black won the game in the next few moves.

Nodirbek Abdusattorov (UZB) lost a wining game against Ian Nepomniachtchi

Rapport - Suleymanli: 1-1

Aydin Suleymanli had a huge decisive advantage against Richard Rapport in the endgame.

Position after 38.Qxb4

38...Re6 would have been the most definitive way for Black to win the game. He got a few more chances and White got too. Eventually the game ended in a draw.

The longest game of the day lasted 65+ minutes and 110 moves

Rauf - Aravindh

Position after 15.Bxh6

Should Black take the c3-knight? Is it safe? Find out all the lines. Aravindh calculated correctly and went on to win the game.

Rauf Mamedov - Aravindh Chithambaram | Video: ChessBase India

Aravindh Chithambaram won a sharp game against Rauf Mamedov (AZE)

Photo Gallery

Guests and players at the opening ceremony

Gasim Gashimov, father of Vugar Gashimov, delivering his speech

Aravindh Chithambaram drew the number six at the 'Draw of Lots'

Richard Rapport (ROU) got the number four

All participants, organizers and officials

A handwritten cross table is a nice touch, a throwback to the bygone era
Opening ceremony and Draw of Lots | Video: ChessBase India
Vugar Gashimov Chess Academy | Video: Gashimov Chess Memorial
Vugar Gashimov Memorial on its tenth anniversary | Video: Gashimov Chess Memorial

Replay live stream

Replay 10th Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2024 Rapid Round 1-3 live stream | Video: Gashimov Chess Memorial

Replay Round 1-3 games


The Rapid tournament will be held in a Round-Robin system and the Blitz tournament will be played in a Double Round-Robin system with eight players. The Rapid event will take place on 26th and 27th September, the first round starts at 3:30 p.m. local time, 4:30 p.m. IST. On the last day, Saturday 28th September, a total of 14 rounds of Blitz games will be played starting from 3 p.m. local time, 4:30 p.m. IST.

Time Control

The Rapid tournament will be played in 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment. The Blitz event will have 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment.


Rapid: Win 2 points, Draw 1 point and Loss 0.

Blitz: Win 1 point, Draw 0.5 point and Loss 0.

Tie-break rules

The final standings will be determined according to sum of points of both Rapid and Blitz events.

Round 1-3 results

Round 1 on 2024/09/26 at 15:30
112752GMNepomniachtchi, Ian½ - ½GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar26838
222740GMArtemiev, Vladislav½ - ½GMSuleymanli, Aydin25657
332723GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek1 - 0GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.25436
442704GMRapport, Richard1 - 0GMMamedov, Rauf26175
Round 2 on 2024/09/26 at 16:45
182683GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar½ - ½GMMamedov, Rauf26175
262543GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.0 - 1GMRapport, Richard27044
372565GMSuleymanli, Aydin½ - ½GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek27233
412752GMNepomniachtchi, Ian1 - 0GMArtemiev, Vladislav27402
Round 3 on 2024/09/26 at 18:00
122740GMArtemiev, Vladislav1 - 0GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar26838
232723GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek0 - 1GMNepomniachtchi, Ian27521
342704GMRapport, Richard½ - ½GMSuleymanli, Aydin25657
452617GMMamedov, Rauf0 - 1GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.25436


Standings after Round 3

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11GMNepomniachtchi, IanFID27522,5023,50
24GMRapport, RichardHUN27042,5022,25
32GMArtemiev, VladislavFID27401,5011,75
3GMAbdusattorov, NodirbekUZB27231,5011,75
57GMSuleymanli, AydinAZE25651,5002,75
66GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.IND25431010,50
78GMMamedyarov, ShakhriyarAZE26831001,50
85GMMamedov, RaufAZE26170,5000,50


Round 4-7 pairings

Round 4 on 2024/09/27 at 15:00
182683GMMamedyarov, ShakhriyarGMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.25436
272565GMSuleymanli, AydinGMMamedov, Rauf26175
312752GMNepomniachtchi, IanGMRapport, Richard27044
422740GMArtemiev, VladislavGMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek27233
Round 5 on 2024/09/27 at 16:15
132723GMAbdusattorov, NodirbekGMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar26838
242704GMRapport, RichardGMArtemiev, Vladislav27402
352617GMMamedov, RaufGMNepomniachtchi, Ian27521
462543GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.GMSuleymanli, Aydin25657
Round 6 on 2024/09/27 at 17:30
182683GMMamedyarov, ShakhriyarGMSuleymanli, Aydin25657
212752GMNepomniachtchi, IanGMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.25436
322740GMArtemiev, VladislavGMMamedov, Rauf26175
432723GMAbdusattorov, NodirbekGMRapport, Richard27044
Round 7 on 2024/09/27 at 18:45
142704GMRapport, RichardGMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar26838
252617GMMamedov, RaufGMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek27233
362543GMAravindh, Chithambaram Vr.GMArtemiev, Vladislav27402
472565GMSuleymanli, AydinGMNepomniachtchi, Ian27521



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