Women's Premier 02: Favourites have a ball
The second round saw the favourites dominating the games. While Bala Kanamma made good her winning start by holding Kiran Manisha Mohanty, Mary Ann Gomes and Nisha Mohota settled for their second consecutive draw, this time against each other. The remaining higher seeds had a ball defeating their opponents. For ChessBase's new analyst — 12-year-old Nihal Sarin — the game played by Viji from the white side was interesting and he has analysed it for you.
Women's Premier 02: Favourites have a ball
Vijayalakshmi gained a lead in development out of the opening and her opponent Swati Ghate misplayed the position badly. Viji collected the point to make it 2.0/2.
Vijayalakshmi-Ghate (Notes by FM Nihal Sarin)
[Event "Natioal Women Premier 2016"]
[Site "New Dehi"]
[Date "2016.11.04"]
[Round "2.3"]
[White "Subbaraman, Vijayalakshmi"]
[Black "Ghate, Swati"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B06"]
[Annotator "Nihal Sarin"]
[PlyCount "59"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[WhiteClock "0:13:26"]
[BlackClock "0:13:34"]
[Site "New Dehi"]
[Date "2016.11.04"]
[Round "2.3"]
[White "Subbaraman, Vijayalakshmi"]
[Black "Ghate, Swati"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B06"]
[Annotator "Nihal Sarin"]
[PlyCount "59"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[WhiteClock "0:13:26"]
[BlackClock "0:13:34"]
1. d4 d6 $5 {A very tricky move order. Black could transpose into Kings Indian,
or play a kind of Old Indian Defence, putting the Bishop on e7.} 2. Nf3 {
A normal reaction.} g6 {Showing the intentions to transpose into a KID. But a
difference is that black has not yet committed Nf6 so that at times it could
go to e7 after e5.} (2... Bg4 {is also quite popular, immediately hitting the
knight on f3.}) 3. e4 {Ok, it is a transposition into a Pirc defence.} (3. c4 {
could be preferred by pure d4 players, in order to continue in the 1.d4
territory.} Bg7 4. e4 e5 (4... Nf6 5. Nc3 {is just a transposition to KID main
line.}) (4... Bg4 5. Be2 Nc6 (5... Bxf3 {is also OK.} 6. Bxf3 Nc6 7. Be3 e5 8.
d5 Nd4 9. O-O $5 c5 10. dxc6 bxc6 11. Bxd4 exd4 12. Nd2 Ne7 13. c5 $1 {Gelfand,
B (2733)-Mamedyarov,S (2757) Dortmund SuperGM 35th 2007 (4) 1/2-1/2}) 6. Nbd2
$5 {An interesting game is So-Kasparov Ultimate Blitz Challenge 2016.}) 5. Nc3
exd4 6. Nxd4 Ne7 7. h4 $5 {Leads to an interesting game.}) 3... Bg7 (3... Nf6 {
is also quite good, avoiding the possibility of transposing to KI.}) 4. Be2 (4.
c4) (4. Bc4 $5 {Contains a trap.} Nf6 {is the main move and it is perfectly
good.} (4... Nd7 $4 {Falling straight into the trap!} 5. Bxf7+ $1 Kxf7 6. Ng5+
Kf6 7. Qf3#)) 4... a6 {May be it is a fine move, but I did not get the real
point of this. Maybe black wants b5 at some point.} 5. O-O Nd7 (5... b5 {
looks too early after} 6. a4) 6. c4 {Stopping b5 and gaining more space.} e5 7.
Nc3 Ne7 (7... Ngf6 {is also normal move, but in this case, the move a6 seems
not of much use.}) 8. Be3 {Normal developing move.} O-O 9. Qd2 exd4 (9... f5 {
looks interesting.} 10. exf5 (10. Bh6 f4 11. Bxg7 Kxg7 {Looks good for black.})
(10. dxe5 Nxe5 11. Nxe5 Bxe5 12. Bh6 Rf7 (12... f4 {Looks not bad for black.})
13. c5 Be6 14. f4 Bxc3 15. Qxc3 fxe4 {Black seems fine here.}) (10. Ng5 Nf6 11.
dxe5 dxe5 12. Qxd8 Rxd8 13. Nd5 (13. Rad1 Re8 {Black seems ok.}) 13... Nexd5
14. cxd5 f4 15. Bc5 h6 {is ok for black.}) (10. Bg5 Qe8 11. exf5 Nxf5 12. Nd5
Qf7 13. Nxc7 Rb8 {transposes to 10.exf5}) 10... Nxf5 11. Bg5 Qe8 12. Nd5 Qf7
13. Nxc7 Rb8 14. dxe5 Nxe5 15. Nxe5 dxe5 16. Nd5 b5 {with some counterplay.})
10. Nxd4 Nc5 (10... f5 $4 11. Ne6) 11. Bh6 {A typical Idea against Fianchetto,
to exchange the dark squared bishop. Black is very uncomfortable after this
move.} Bxh6 (11... f5 12. Bxg7 Kxg7 13. exf5 Nxf5 (13... Bxf5 14. b4 Ne6 15. g4
$1) 14. b4 Ne6 15. Nxf5+ Rxf5 16. Rae1 {is unpleasant for black}) (11... a5 {
Concedes the b5 square.}) (11... Ne6 12. Bxg7 Kxg7 13. Nb3 Bd7 14. f4 {White
is better, but black could fight on.}) 12. Qxh6 f5 {only active try.} (12...
Nc6 $1 {Was the best move here intending to activate some pieces.}) 13. Nf3 $1
{Bringing the knight to the g5 square to give mate on h7.} Ne6 14. Rad1 {
A natural and very strong move.} fxe4 (14... f4 15. c5 $1 {with the idea...}
Nxc5 16. Ng5) 15. Nxe4 Nf5 (15... Nf4 16. Neg5 Nxe2+ 17. Kh1 {Gives white a
very strong attack.}) 16. Qd2 {White stands better on both flanks.} Bd7 (16...
Qe7 {looks no better, due to...} 17. Rfe1 Bd7 18. c5) 17. c5 {White looks
winning already.} Bc6 18. Bc4 $1 Bxe4 (18... d5 {was the last try.}) 19. Ng5 d5
20. Nxe6 Qh4 21. Bxd5 Rf7 22. Bxe4 Qxe4 23. Ng5 $18 {Wins an exchange and the
game.} Qc4 24. Nxf7 Qxf7 25. Qd5 Qxd5 26. Rxd5 Re8 27. Rfd1 Re2 28. R5d2 Re5
29. Rd8+ Kf7 30. R8d7+ {It was an interesting game, in which white won by
playing very natural yet strong moves. I think there was a good counter chance
for black to play 9....f5 with a complex position. After 11.Bh6 it was quite
difficult for black to activate her pieces, especially the knight on e7 and
the Bishop on c8, but black had a good possibility to play 12...Nc6, which
looks passive but is ok for black.} 1-0
or play a kind of Old Indian Defence, putting the Bishop on e7.} 2. Nf3 {
A normal reaction.} g6 {Showing the intentions to transpose into a KID. But a
difference is that black has not yet committed Nf6 so that at times it could
go to e7 after e5.} (2... Bg4 {is also quite popular, immediately hitting the
knight on f3.}) 3. e4 {Ok, it is a transposition into a Pirc defence.} (3. c4 {
could be preferred by pure d4 players, in order to continue in the 1.d4
territory.} Bg7 4. e4 e5 (4... Nf6 5. Nc3 {is just a transposition to KID main
line.}) (4... Bg4 5. Be2 Nc6 (5... Bxf3 {is also OK.} 6. Bxf3 Nc6 7. Be3 e5 8.
d5 Nd4 9. O-O $5 c5 10. dxc6 bxc6 11. Bxd4 exd4 12. Nd2 Ne7 13. c5 $1 {Gelfand,
B (2733)-Mamedyarov,S (2757) Dortmund SuperGM 35th 2007 (4) 1/2-1/2}) 6. Nbd2
$5 {An interesting game is So-Kasparov Ultimate Blitz Challenge 2016.}) 5. Nc3
exd4 6. Nxd4 Ne7 7. h4 $5 {Leads to an interesting game.}) 3... Bg7 (3... Nf6 {
is also quite good, avoiding the possibility of transposing to KI.}) 4. Be2 (4.
c4) (4. Bc4 $5 {Contains a trap.} Nf6 {is the main move and it is perfectly
good.} (4... Nd7 $4 {Falling straight into the trap!} 5. Bxf7+ $1 Kxf7 6. Ng5+
Kf6 7. Qf3#)) 4... a6 {May be it is a fine move, but I did not get the real
point of this. Maybe black wants b5 at some point.} 5. O-O Nd7 (5... b5 {
looks too early after} 6. a4) 6. c4 {Stopping b5 and gaining more space.} e5 7.
Nc3 Ne7 (7... Ngf6 {is also normal move, but in this case, the move a6 seems
not of much use.}) 8. Be3 {Normal developing move.} O-O 9. Qd2 exd4 (9... f5 {
looks interesting.} 10. exf5 (10. Bh6 f4 11. Bxg7 Kxg7 {Looks good for black.})
(10. dxe5 Nxe5 11. Nxe5 Bxe5 12. Bh6 Rf7 (12... f4 {Looks not bad for black.})
13. c5 Be6 14. f4 Bxc3 15. Qxc3 fxe4 {Black seems fine here.}) (10. Ng5 Nf6 11.
dxe5 dxe5 12. Qxd8 Rxd8 13. Nd5 (13. Rad1 Re8 {Black seems ok.}) 13... Nexd5
14. cxd5 f4 15. Bc5 h6 {is ok for black.}) (10. Bg5 Qe8 11. exf5 Nxf5 12. Nd5
Qf7 13. Nxc7 Rb8 {transposes to 10.exf5}) 10... Nxf5 11. Bg5 Qe8 12. Nd5 Qf7
13. Nxc7 Rb8 14. dxe5 Nxe5 15. Nxe5 dxe5 16. Nd5 b5 {with some counterplay.})
10. Nxd4 Nc5 (10... f5 $4 11. Ne6) 11. Bh6 {A typical Idea against Fianchetto,
to exchange the dark squared bishop. Black is very uncomfortable after this
move.} Bxh6 (11... f5 12. Bxg7 Kxg7 13. exf5 Nxf5 (13... Bxf5 14. b4 Ne6 15. g4
$1) 14. b4 Ne6 15. Nxf5+ Rxf5 16. Rae1 {is unpleasant for black}) (11... a5 {
Concedes the b5 square.}) (11... Ne6 12. Bxg7 Kxg7 13. Nb3 Bd7 14. f4 {White
is better, but black could fight on.}) 12. Qxh6 f5 {only active try.} (12...
Nc6 $1 {Was the best move here intending to activate some pieces.}) 13. Nf3 $1
{Bringing the knight to the g5 square to give mate on h7.} Ne6 14. Rad1 {
A natural and very strong move.} fxe4 (14... f4 15. c5 $1 {with the idea...}
Nxc5 16. Ng5) 15. Nxe4 Nf5 (15... Nf4 16. Neg5 Nxe2+ 17. Kh1 {Gives white a
very strong attack.}) 16. Qd2 {White stands better on both flanks.} Bd7 (16...
Qe7 {looks no better, due to...} 17. Rfe1 Bd7 18. c5) 17. c5 {White looks
winning already.} Bc6 18. Bc4 $1 Bxe4 (18... d5 {was the last try.}) 19. Ng5 d5
20. Nxe6 Qh4 21. Bxd5 Rf7 22. Bxe4 Qxe4 23. Ng5 $18 {Wins an exchange and the
game.} Qc4 24. Nxf7 Qxf7 25. Qd5 Qxd5 26. Rxd5 Re8 27. Rfd1 Re2 28. R5d2 Re5
29. Rd8+ Kf7 30. R8d7+ {It was an interesting game, in which white won by
playing very natural yet strong moves. I think there was a good counter chance
for black to play 9....f5 with a complex position. After 11.Bh6 it was quite
difficult for black to activate her pieces, especially the knight on e7 and
the Bishop on c8, but black had a good possibility to play 12...Nc6, which
looks passive but is ok for black.} 1-0
Viji speaks to Jitendra Chaudhary
Karavade smoothly outplayed Bodda Pratyusha with great piece play.
[Event "National Women Premier 2016"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.11.04"]
[Round "2.6"]
[White "Karavade, Eesha"]
[Black "Pratyusha, Bodda"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A20"]
[WhiteElo "2425"]
[BlackElo "2289"]
[PlyCount "95"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:19:43"]
[BlackClock "0:15:38"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.11.04"]
[Round "2.6"]
[White "Karavade, Eesha"]
[Black "Pratyusha, Bodda"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A20"]
[WhiteElo "2425"]
[BlackElo "2289"]
[PlyCount "95"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:19:43"]
[BlackClock "0:15:38"]
1. c4 {10} e5 {0} 2. g3 {41} Nf6 {29} 3. Bg2 {36} c6 {31} 4. Nf3 {130} e4 {148}
5. Nd4 {10} d5 {136} 6. cxd5 {89} cxd5 {46} 7. d3 {312} Qb6 {469} 8. Nc2 {490}
Nc6 {369} 9. O-O {381} Be6 {542} 10. Nc3 {251} Rd8 {79} 11. b3 {644} Be7 {413}
12. Bb2 {313} O-O {204} 13. dxe4 {436} dxe4 {887} 14. Qc1 {11} Qa6 {33} 15. Qe3
{383} Rfe8 {264} 16. Rfd1 {230} Ng4 {569} 17. Qxe4 {235} Bf6 {92} 18. h3 {302}
Rxd1+ {360} 19. Rxd1 {32} Nh6 {344} 20. Nd5 {698} Bd8 {216} 21. Ndb4 {210} Nxb4
{66} 22. Nxb4 {3} Qb5 {31} 23. Qe5 {190} Qxe5 {68} 24. Bxe5 {2} Ba5 {44} 25.
Nd3 {41} Bf5 {57} 26. e4 {22} Bg6 {16} 27. Rc1 {240} f5 {253} 28. exf5 {127}
Bxf5 {13} 29. Bc3 {21} Bb6 {133} 30. Ne5 {19} Nf7 {141} 31. Nc4 {213} Bc5 {66}
32. b4 {16} Bf8 {30} 33. Bxb7 {100} Bxh3 {56} 34. a3 {4} Rd8 {82} 35. Ne5 {64}
Be6 {48} 36. Nc6 {78} Rd3 {108} 37. Nxa7 {31} Nd6 {34} 38. Bg2 {29} Be7 {23}
39. Bf1 {40} Rf3 {5} 40. Bg2 {0} Rd3 {0} 41. Nc6 {0} Bg5 {0} 42. Re1 {0} Ba2 {0
} 43. Be5 {0} Nc4 {0} 44. Ra1 {0} Bb3 {0} 45. Bd4 {0} Nd2 {0} 46. b5 Ba4 {0}
47. Bd5+ {0} Kh8 {0} 48. Re1 {0} 1-0
5. Nd4 {10} d5 {136} 6. cxd5 {89} cxd5 {46} 7. d3 {312} Qb6 {469} 8. Nc2 {490}
Nc6 {369} 9. O-O {381} Be6 {542} 10. Nc3 {251} Rd8 {79} 11. b3 {644} Be7 {413}
12. Bb2 {313} O-O {204} 13. dxe4 {436} dxe4 {887} 14. Qc1 {11} Qa6 {33} 15. Qe3
{383} Rfe8 {264} 16. Rfd1 {230} Ng4 {569} 17. Qxe4 {235} Bf6 {92} 18. h3 {302}
Rxd1+ {360} 19. Rxd1 {32} Nh6 {344} 20. Nd5 {698} Bd8 {216} 21. Ndb4 {210} Nxb4
{66} 22. Nxb4 {3} Qb5 {31} 23. Qe5 {190} Qxe5 {68} 24. Bxe5 {2} Ba5 {44} 25.
Nd3 {41} Bf5 {57} 26. e4 {22} Bg6 {16} 27. Rc1 {240} f5 {253} 28. exf5 {127}
Bxf5 {13} 29. Bc3 {21} Bb6 {133} 30. Ne5 {19} Nf7 {141} 31. Nc4 {213} Bc5 {66}
32. b4 {16} Bf8 {30} 33. Bxb7 {100} Bxh3 {56} 34. a3 {4} Rd8 {82} 35. Ne5 {64}
Be6 {48} 36. Nc6 {78} Rd3 {108} 37. Nxa7 {31} Nd6 {34} 38. Bg2 {29} Be7 {23}
39. Bf1 {40} Rf3 {5} 40. Bg2 {0} Rd3 {0} 41. Nc6 {0} Bg5 {0} 42. Re1 {0} Ba2 {0
} 43. Be5 {0} Nc4 {0} 44. Ra1 {0} Bb3 {0} 45. Bd4 {0} Nd2 {0} 46. b5 Ba4 {0}
47. Bd5+ {0} Kh8 {0} 48. Re1 {0} 1-0

[Event "Natioal Women Premier 2016"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.11.04"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Mahalakshmi, M."]
[Black "Soumya, Swaminathan"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A37"]
[WhiteElo "2185"]
[BlackElo "2386"]
[PlyCount "84"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:27:51"]
[BlackClock "0:33:27"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.11.04"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Mahalakshmi, M."]
[Black "Soumya, Swaminathan"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A37"]
[WhiteElo "2185"]
[BlackElo "2386"]
[PlyCount "84"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:27:51"]
[BlackClock "0:33:27"]
1. Nf3 {0} c5 {96} 2. g3 {110} Nc6 {27} 3. Bg2 {168} g6 {330} 4. c4 {114} Bg7 {
8} 5. Nc3 {100} e6 {42} 6. O-O {172} Nge7 {50} 7. d3 {189} d5 {121} 8. cxd5 {
310} exd5 {219} 9. Bf4 {171} O-O {62} 10. Qd2 {83} d4 {842} 11. Ne4 {320} b6 {
192} 12. Nd6 {319} Be6 {90} 13. Nc4 {61} Bd5 {742} 14. Bh6 {299} Qd7 {431} 15.
Bxg7 {174} Kxg7 {3} 16. a3 {153} b5 {340} 17. Nce5 {236} Nxe5 {49} 18. Nxe5 {2}
Qd6 {208} 19. Nf3 {294} Nc6 {267} 20. e4 {311} dxe3 {475} 21. fxe3 {105} Rad8 {
36} 22. Qc3+ {261} f6 {72} 23. Rac1 {345} c4 {36} 24. e4 {210} Be6 {218} 25.
dxc4 {60} Bxc4 {94} 26. Rfe1 {76} Nd4 {157} 27. Nxd4 {151} Qxd4+ {3} 28. Qxd4 {
40} Rxd4 {3} 29. Bf1 {136} Re8 {213} 30. b3 {169} Bxb3 {160} 31. Rc7+ {79} Kh6
{82} 32. Bxb5 {294} Re5 {23} 33. Bc6 {164} a5 {273} 34. Rb7 {265} Bc2 {88} 35.
Rf1 {199} Rd6 {37} 36. Bd5 {120} Bxe4 {21} 37. Bxe4 {9} Rxe4 {2} 38. Kg2 {156}
Re3 {132} 39. Rf4 {68} Rxa3 {50} 40. Rh4+ {0} Kg5 {0} 41. Rbxh7 {0} Rd2+ {0}
42. Kh3 {0} f5 {0} 0-1
8} 5. Nc3 {100} e6 {42} 6. O-O {172} Nge7 {50} 7. d3 {189} d5 {121} 8. cxd5 {
310} exd5 {219} 9. Bf4 {171} O-O {62} 10. Qd2 {83} d4 {842} 11. Ne4 {320} b6 {
192} 12. Nd6 {319} Be6 {90} 13. Nc4 {61} Bd5 {742} 14. Bh6 {299} Qd7 {431} 15.
Bxg7 {174} Kxg7 {3} 16. a3 {153} b5 {340} 17. Nce5 {236} Nxe5 {49} 18. Nxe5 {2}
Qd6 {208} 19. Nf3 {294} Nc6 {267} 20. e4 {311} dxe3 {475} 21. fxe3 {105} Rad8 {
36} 22. Qc3+ {261} f6 {72} 23. Rac1 {345} c4 {36} 24. e4 {210} Be6 {218} 25.
dxc4 {60} Bxc4 {94} 26. Rfe1 {76} Nd4 {157} 27. Nxd4 {151} Qxd4+ {3} 28. Qxd4 {
40} Rxd4 {3} 29. Bf1 {136} Re8 {213} 30. b3 {169} Bxb3 {160} 31. Rc7+ {79} Kh6
{82} 32. Bxb5 {294} Re5 {23} 33. Bc6 {164} a5 {273} 34. Rb7 {265} Bc2 {88} 35.
Rf1 {199} Rd6 {37} 36. Bd5 {120} Bxe4 {21} 37. Bxe4 {9} Rxe4 {2} 38. Kg2 {156}
Re3 {132} 39. Rf4 {68} Rxa3 {50} 40. Rh4+ {0} Kg5 {0} 41. Rbxh7 {0} Rd2+ {0}
42. Kh3 {0} f5 {0} 0-1
Padmini outplayed Vaishali late in the middlegame to win her second straight game as well.
[Event "Natioal Women Premier 2016"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.11.04"]
[Round "2.5"]
[White "Padmini, Rout"]
[Black "Vaishali R"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C79"]
[WhiteElo "2374"]
[BlackElo "2300"]
[PlyCount "153"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:05:33"]
[BlackClock "0:01:42"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.11.04"]
[Round "2.5"]
[White "Padmini, Rout"]
[Black "Vaishali R"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C79"]
[WhiteElo "2374"]
[BlackElo "2300"]
[PlyCount "153"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:05:33"]
[BlackClock "0:01:42"]
1. e4 {0} e5 {0} 2. Nf3 {0} Nc6 {5} 3. Bb5 {0} a6 {7} 4. Ba4 {0} d6 {17} 5. O-O
{22} Nf6 {56} 6. c3 {421} Bd7 {281} 7. Re1 {42} g6 {53} 8. d4 {146} Bg7 {22} 9.
Bg5 {86} O-O {361} 10. Nbd2 {68} h6 {197} 11. Bh4 {169} Re8 {502} 12. h3 {886}
Qc8 {870} 13. dxe5 {623} dxe5 {125} 14. Nf1 {179} Nh5 {468} 15. Ne3 {339} Be6 {
910} 16. Nh2 {398} b5 {431} 17. Bc2 {44} Nf4 {327} 18. Qf3 {78} Ne7 {369} 19.
Nhf1 {247} c5 {181} 20. a3 {226} Ra7 {214} 21. Rad1 {20} c4 {262} 22. Bg3 {257}
g5 {311} 23. Bh2 {48} Rd8 {80} 24. Ng3 {204} Rxd1 {34} 25. Rxd1 {31} Rd7 {14}
26. Ngf5 {93} Bf8 {43} 27. g3 {623} Rxd1+ {34} 28. Qxd1 {26} Nd3 {29} 29. Bxd3
{59} cxd3 {2} 30. Qxd3 {21} Nxf5 31. exf5 {216} Qd7 {87} 32. Qxd7 {653} Bxd7 {3
} 33. Nd5 {15} Bxf5 {58} 34. g4 {25} Be6 {26} 35. Nc7 {47} Bc8 {35} 36. Bxe5 {
14} f6 {29} 37. Bxf6 {100} Kf7 {1} 38. Be5 {31} Bb7 {44} 39. Kh2 {24} Bc5 {44}
40. Kg3 {0} Ke7 {0} 41. f4 {0} gxf4+ {0} 42. Kxf4 {0} Bb6 {0} 43. Kf5 {0} Be3 {
0} 44. b3 {0} Bc1 {0} 45. a4 {0} bxa4 {0} 46. bxa4 {0} Kf7 {0} 47. Bf4 {0} Bb2
{0} 48. c4 {0} Bc6 {0} 49. a5 {0} Bg2 {72} 50. Nxa6 {0} Bc3 {153} 51. Nc5 {0}
Bxa5 {30} 52. Bxh6 {0} Bxh3 {10} 53. Ne4 {0} Ke7 {60} 54. Bd2 {13} Bc7 {26} 55.
Nf6 {132} Bd6 {71} 56. Be3 {138} Ba3 {62} 57. c5 {113} Bb2 {35} 58. Bg5 {106}
Bxf6 {53} 59. Bxf6+ {6} Kd7 {1} 60. Bd4 {42} Kc6 {4} 61. Be3 {8} Kd5 {51} 62.
Kf4 {4} Bf1 {11} 63. Bg1 {26} Bd3 {48} 64. Kg5 {15} Ke6 {28} 65. Kh6 {17} Be2 {
35} 66. g5 {6} Ke7 {47} 67. g6 {12} Bc4 {12} 68. Bd4 {19} Bb3 {29} 69. Bf2 {18}
Bc4 {53} 70. Bh4+ {58} Ke8 {41} 71. c6 {28} Bd5 {20} 72. g7 {31} Bg8 {39} 73.
Kg6 {34} Bd5 {9} 74. Kh7 {37} Bg8+ {17} 75. Kh8 {10} Be6 {24} 76. c7 {16} Kd7 {
5} 77. Bg3 {7} 1-0
{22} Nf6 {56} 6. c3 {421} Bd7 {281} 7. Re1 {42} g6 {53} 8. d4 {146} Bg7 {22} 9.
Bg5 {86} O-O {361} 10. Nbd2 {68} h6 {197} 11. Bh4 {169} Re8 {502} 12. h3 {886}
Qc8 {870} 13. dxe5 {623} dxe5 {125} 14. Nf1 {179} Nh5 {468} 15. Ne3 {339} Be6 {
910} 16. Nh2 {398} b5 {431} 17. Bc2 {44} Nf4 {327} 18. Qf3 {78} Ne7 {369} 19.
Nhf1 {247} c5 {181} 20. a3 {226} Ra7 {214} 21. Rad1 {20} c4 {262} 22. Bg3 {257}
g5 {311} 23. Bh2 {48} Rd8 {80} 24. Ng3 {204} Rxd1 {34} 25. Rxd1 {31} Rd7 {14}
26. Ngf5 {93} Bf8 {43} 27. g3 {623} Rxd1+ {34} 28. Qxd1 {26} Nd3 {29} 29. Bxd3
{59} cxd3 {2} 30. Qxd3 {21} Nxf5 31. exf5 {216} Qd7 {87} 32. Qxd7 {653} Bxd7 {3
} 33. Nd5 {15} Bxf5 {58} 34. g4 {25} Be6 {26} 35. Nc7 {47} Bc8 {35} 36. Bxe5 {
14} f6 {29} 37. Bxf6 {100} Kf7 {1} 38. Be5 {31} Bb7 {44} 39. Kh2 {24} Bc5 {44}
40. Kg3 {0} Ke7 {0} 41. f4 {0} gxf4+ {0} 42. Kxf4 {0} Bb6 {0} 43. Kf5 {0} Be3 {
0} 44. b3 {0} Bc1 {0} 45. a4 {0} bxa4 {0} 46. bxa4 {0} Kf7 {0} 47. Bf4 {0} Bb2
{0} 48. c4 {0} Bc6 {0} 49. a5 {0} Bg2 {72} 50. Nxa6 {0} Bc3 {153} 51. Nc5 {0}
Bxa5 {30} 52. Bxh6 {0} Bxh3 {10} 53. Ne4 {0} Ke7 {60} 54. Bd2 {13} Bc7 {26} 55.
Nf6 {132} Bd6 {71} 56. Be3 {138} Ba3 {62} 57. c5 {113} Bb2 {35} 58. Bg5 {106}
Bxf6 {53} 59. Bxf6+ {6} Kd7 {1} 60. Bd4 {42} Kc6 {4} 61. Be3 {8} Kd5 {51} 62.
Kf4 {4} Bf1 {11} 63. Bg1 {26} Bd3 {48} 64. Kg5 {15} Ke6 {28} 65. Kh6 {17} Be2 {
35} 66. g5 {6} Ke7 {47} 67. g6 {12} Bc4 {12} 68. Bd4 {19} Bb3 {29} 69. Bf2 {18}
Bc4 {53} 70. Bh4+ {58} Ke8 {41} 71. c6 {28} Bd5 {20} 72. g7 {31} Bg8 {39} 73.
Kg6 {34} Bd5 {9} 74. Kh7 {37} Bg8+ {17} 75. Kh8 {10} Be6 {24} 76. c7 {16} Kd7 {
5} 77. Bg3 {7} 1-0
Gomes and Nisha analyze their draw
Rank after Round 2
Rk. | SNo | Name | FED | Rtg | Pts. | TB1 | TB2 | TB3 | |
1 | 9 | IM | Vijayalakshmi Subbaraman | IND | 2390 | 2,0 | 0,5 | 0,0 | 0,50 |
2 | 11 | IM | Padmini Rout | IND | 2374 | 2,0 | 0,0 | 0,0 | 0,00 |
3 | 6 | WGM | Soumya Swaminathan | IND | 2386 | 1,5 | 2,0 | 0,0 | 1,50 |
4 | 1 | IM | Karavade Eesha | IND | 2425 | 1,5 | 1,0 | 0,0 | 0,50 |
5 | 10 | Bala Kannamma P | IND | 2073 | 1,5 | 0,5 | 0,0 | 0,25 | |
6 | 7 | IM | Mohota Nisha | IND | 2262 | 1,0 | 2,5 | 0,0 | 1,25 |
12 | WGM | Gomes Mary Ann | IND | 2306 | 1,0 | 2,5 | 0,0 | 1,25 | |
8 | 8 | WIM | Mahalakshmi M | IND | 2185 | 1,0 | 1,5 | 0,0 | 0,00 |
9 | 4 | WGM | Kiran Manisha Mohanty | IND | 2117 | 0,5 | 3,5 | 0,0 | 0,75 |
10 | 2 | WIM | Pratyusha Bodda | IND | 2289 | 0,0 | 3,5 | 0,0 | 0,00 |
3 | WIM | Vaishali R | IND | 2300 | 0,0 | 3,5 | 0,0 | 0,00 | |
12 | 5 | WGM | Swati Ghate | IND | 2260 | 0,0 | 3,0 | 0,0 | 0,00 |
Special thanks to Nihal Sarin for the analysis for the game of the day. He will be analyzing more such games for ChessBase India so the readers can enjoy them.