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Women Challengers 2017 Round 8: Bhakti makes a scintillating comeback!

by C.K. Muralidharan - 27/07/2017

You remember that on the first day of the National Women Challengers 2017 we published the report entitled "1485 rated player beats 2016 Asian Champion!" Well, that Asian Champion not only put the loss behind her, but has scored 6.5 points in the last seven rounds. Bhakti Kulkarni joined top seed Soumya Swaminathan and C. Lakshmi as the leader after eight rounds. Soumya wasn't able to break through the defences of Lakshmi, while Bhakti managed to score a fine win over Nisha Mohota. Analysis of the two crucial games. 

Soumya, Lakshmi and Bhakti lead with 6.5/8

Top-seed WGM Soumya Swaminathan (PSPB), Tamil Nadu's WFM Lakshmi C and fifth seed WGM Bhakti Kulkarni (Air India) shared the lead with 6.5 points from eight rounds, at the end of the sixth day at the 44th National Women's Challenger 2017.

On the top board Soumya was a clear favourite having nearly 400 points Elo advantage over her opponent C. Lakshmi. However, the girl from Tamil Nadu stood her ground and made the top seed split the point.
[Site "Mysore Sports Club, Mysuru, Ka"]
[Date "2017.07.26"]
[Round "8.1"]
[White "Soumya, Swaminathan"]
[Black "Lakshmi, C."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A00"]
[WhiteElo "2349"]
[BlackElo "1952"]
[Annotator "Sagar Shah"]
[PlyCount "133"]
[EventDate "2017.07.21"]
[EventRounds "11"]
[EventCountry "IND"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5 $5 {The Schliemann! Lakshmi knows no fear!} 4. d3
fxe4 5. dxe4 Nf6 6. O-O Bc5 (6... Nxe4 $2 7. Re1 $16) 7. Qd3 $5 {Preventing
the opponent from castling because of c4+.} Qe7 (7... d6 8. Qc4 Qe7 9. Nc3 Be6
10. Nd5 $16) 8. a3 {Nc3 is the main move. It's quite possible that Soumya was
already out of her home preparation at this point.} d6 9. Nc3 Be6 $6 (9... O-O
{was better.}) 10. Nd5 $1 Qd7 11. Ng5 $1 Bg8 12. b4 (12. Qf3 $5 {would have
put even more pressure on Lakshmi.}) 12... Bb6 13. Nxb6 axb6 14. f4 {Soumya is
an excellent player with the initiative and shows this amply over here.
Opponent's king is in the centre and she breaks it open.} h6 15. Nf3 exf4 16.
Bxf4 (16. Bb2 $5) 16... Bf7 17. Nd4 (17. e5 $1 {would have been very strong.}
dxe5 18. Qxd7+ Nxd7 19. Bxe5 O-O 20. Bxc7 $16 {White has won a pawn and is
clearly better.}) 17... O-O 18. Bxh6 $5 Bg6 $1 {Calm defense by Lakshmi. She
protects her f6 knight and attacks the e4 pawn.} (18... gxh6 19. Rxf6 $18) 19.
Qc4+ Bf7 20. Qd3 (20. Qc3 $1 Nxe4 21. Qd3 $16) 20... Bg6 21. Bf4 Bxe4 22. Qd2
Qg4 23. h3 (23. Bg3 $13) 23... Qxg2+ $1 {Sharp play by the Tamil Nadu girl.}
24. Qxg2 Bxg2 25. Kxg2 Nxd4 {From being clearly worse, the sides have been
swtiched. Black is a pawn up and clearly better.} 26. Bc4+ Kh8 (26... d5 $1 $17
) 27. c3 Nf5 28. Be6 Ne4 29. c4 Nh4+ 30. Kh2 Nc3 31. Bg4 Ng6 32. Bg3 Rxf1 33.
Rxf1 Ne4 34. Rf7 Nxg3 35. Kxg3 Ne5 36. Rxc7 Rxa3+ 37. Kh4 Nxg4 38. hxg4 {
The rook endgame is surely slightly better for White, but the reduced material
makes it very difficult to win.} Rb3 39. b5 Rc3 40. Kh5 Kh7 41. g5 Rh3+ 42. Kg4
Rc3 43. Kf5 d5 44. Rxb7 dxc4 45. Rxb6 Re3 46. Rb8 g6+ 47. Kf6 Rf3+ 48. Ke6 c3
49. Rb7+ Kg8 50. Rc7 Rf5 51. b6 Rb5 52. b7 c2 53. Rc8+ Kg7 54. Rc7+ Kg8 55.
Rxc2 Rxb7 56. Rd2 Rb5 57. Rd5 Rb8 58. Rd6 Ra8 59. Kf6 Rb8 60. Kxg6 Ra8 61. Kh6
Rb8 62. Rd7 Rb6+ 63. g6 Rb8 64. Rg7+ Kh8 65. Rh7+ Kg8 66. Rg7+ Kh8 67. Rh7+ {
Great tenacious play by Lakshmi. Soumya wouldn't be too happy with the outcome
of the game especially after the fine opening position that she got.} 1/2-1/2



The deadlock between Lakshmi and Soumya meant that a few other players had a chance to catch up the leaders. Meenakshi and Mary Ann Gomes drew their game. But, it was Bhakti Kulkarni who beat Nisha Mohota in a completely topsy Turvy encounter.

Bhakti had a clear advantage out of the opening and was clearly better. But then she made some errors and the advantage switched to Nisha. After getting the advantage, Nisha didn't play well and in the end had to taste defeat.
[Site "Mysore Sports Club, Mysuru, Ka"]
[Date "2017.07.26"]
[Round "8.3"]
[White "Kulkarni, Bhakti"]
[Black "Mohota, Nisha"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A00"]
[WhiteElo "2255"]
[BlackElo "2271"]
[Annotator "Sagar Shah"]
[PlyCount "101"]
[EventDate "2017.07.21"]
[EventRounds "11"]
[EventCountry "IND"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. c4 Bb4+ 4. Nbd2 d6 $5 {Much more common are the moves
b6 and 0-0.} 5. a3 Bxd2+ 6. Bxd2 Nbd7 7. Qc2 O-O 8. e4 e5 9. Bd3 Re8 10. O-O
Nf8 $6 (10... exd4 11. Nxd4 Nc5 {might have been a better idea to eliminate
the d3 bishop, but after} 12. Rae1 $14 {White holds a small edge.}) 11. d5 c5
12. b4 $1 {White has the bishop pair and simple play on the queenside. Nisha's
play has not been very impressive.} Ng6 13. bxc5 dxc5 14. Rfb1 $1 {Bhakti uses
the f rook so that when black plays b6, she can use her a-pawn backed by the
rook to attack the pawn chain.} Qd6 15. Rb2 Nd7 16. g3 Ne7 17. Nh4 h6 18. f4 f6
{Overall Nisha is playing without a plan. She is passive, but keeps fighting.}
19. f5 b6 20. Be2 Nf8 21. Bh5 Rd8 22. Rab1 Bd7 23. a4 {The kingside has been
controlled completely, now it's time for the queenside to be opened up.} Rdb8
24. a5 bxa5 25. Bxa5 Rxb2 26. Qxb2 Qa6 27. Qc3 Nc8 28. Bc7 Nd6 29. Be2 Nxe4 30.
Qe3 Nd6 31. Qxc5 Nxf5 32. Nxf5 Bxf5 33. d6 $2 Bxb1 $1 34. Qd5+ Kh7 35. Qxa8 Nd7
(35... Ne6 $17 {And Black is better in this position.}) 36. Qd5 Qa1 37. Kf2
Qd4+ $2 {A very bad decision by Nisha, mainly dictated by time pressure it
seems. After the queen exchange, White is just winning the endgame.} 38. Qxd4
exd4 39. Ba5 $2 (39. Bg4 $1 f5 40. Bd1 $18) 39... Kg6 40. Bb4 d3 $2 {This move
stops the bishop's retreat to help the knight. It is some sort of a suicidal
move by Nisha.} (40... Be4 $17) 41. Bf3 d2 42. Bxd2 Ba2 $2 (42... Kf5 {White
is better but Black is still fighting.}) 43. Bc6 $18 Nb8 44. Be8+ Kf5 45. d7
Nc6 46. Bf7 Ke5 47. Bd5 Nd8 48. Bf4+ Kd4 49. Bc7 Bxc4 50. Bxd8 Bb5 51. Bxf6+ {
A topsy turvy game that could have gone either way, but ended as a win for
White.} 1-0


Five players, WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty (LIC), WGM Mary Ann Gomes (PSPB), WIM Nandhidhaa Pv (AAI), WGM Meenakshi Subbaraman (AI) and WFM Arpita Mukharjee (WB) are tied with 6 points each and are placed from fourth to eighth in the rankings after the eighth round. 15 players are tied with 5.5 points and are placed from 9th to 23rd in the rankings.

Results of round 8

Bo. No.   Name Rtg Club/City Pts. Result Pts.   Name Rtg Club/City No.
1 1 WGM Soumya Swaminathan 2349 PSPB 6 ½ - ½ 6 WFM Lakshmi C 1952 TN 30
2 10 WGM Meenakshi Subbaraman 2181 AI ½ - ½ WGM Gomes Mary Ann 2331 PSPB 2
3 5 WGM Kulkarni Bhakti 2255 AI 1 - 0 IM Mohota Nisha 2271 PSPB 4
4 3 WGM Swati Ghate 2278 LIC 5 ½ - ½ WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty 2170 LIC 13
5 7 WIM Nandhidhaa Pv 2221 AAI 5 1 - 0 5 WFM Lasya.G 2097 AP 20
6 19 WFM Arpita Mukherjee 2100 WB 5 1 - 0 5 WFM Srija Seshadri 2200 DEL 8
7 11   Harshita Guddanti 2180 AP 5 ½ - ½ 5 WGM Ramaswamy Aarthie 2072 AI 22
8 15 WIM Mahalakshmi M 2154 TN 5 ½ - ½ 5   Bala Kannamma P 1977 TN 25
9 16 WIM Parnali S Dharia 2140 MAH 5 ½ - ½ 5 WCM Jyothsna L 1964 TN 27
10 38   Sandhya G 1873 AP 1 - 0 WIM Michelle Catherina P 2177 TN 12

Complete results

Rank after round 8:

Rk. SNo   Name FED Rtg Club/City Pts.  TB1   TB2   TB3 
1 1 WGM Soumya Swaminathan IND 2349 PSPB 6,5 0,0 39,5 44,5
2 30 WFM Lakshmi C IND 1952 TN 6,5 0,0 37,5 41,0
3 5 WGM Kulkarni Bhakti IND 2255 AI 6,5 0,0 35,0 38,5
4 13 WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty IND 2170 LIC 6,0 0,0 38,5 42,5
5 2 WGM Gomes Mary Ann IND 2331 PSPB 6,0 0,0 38,5 42,5
6 7 WIM Nandhidhaa Pv IND 2221 AAI 6,0 0,0 33,5 37,5
7 10 WGM Meenakshi Subbaraman IND 2181 AI 6,0 0,0 33,0 37,0
8 19 WFM Arpita Mukherjee IND 2100 WB 6,0 0,0 32,5 35,5
9 15 WIM Mahalakshmi M IND 2154 TN 5,5 0,0 40,5 42,5
10 16 WIM Parnali S Dharia IND 2140 MAH 5,5 0,0 36,0 38,5

Complete list of ranking

Pairing for round 9:

Bo. No.   Name Rtg Club/City Pts. Result Pts.   Name Rtg Club/City No.
1 30 WFM Lakshmi C 1952 TN   WGM Kulkarni Bhakti 2255 AI 5
2 7 WIM Nandhidhaa Pv 2221 AAI 6   WGM Soumya Swaminathan 2349 PSPB 1
3 2 WGM Gomes Mary Ann 2331 PSPB 6   6 WFM Arpita Mukherjee 2100 WB 19
4 13 WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty 2170 LIC 6   6 WGM Meenakshi Subbaraman 2181 AI 10
5 25   Bala Kannamma P 1977 TN   WGM Swati Ghate 2278 LIC 3
6 4 IM Mohota Nisha 2271 PSPB     Makhija Aashna 1947 MAH 31
7 32   Pandey Srishti 1930 MAH     Harshita Guddanti 2180 AP 11
8 27 WCM Jyothsna L 1964 TN   WIM Mahalakshmi M 2154 TN 15
9 33   Shetye Siddhali 1920 MAH   WIM Parnali S Dharia 2140 MAH 16
10 18 WIM Chitlange Sakshi 2112 MAH     Kaur Palkin 1723 DEL 47

Complete pairing list 

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About the author

C.K.Muralidharan is a 55-year-old Free-lance Sports Journalist based in Mysore. He has 20 years of experience in sports journalism. He contributes to the Hindu National daily and Daily Star of Mysore on all sports in Mysore for the last 15 years. He has been covering sports in Mysore on his website - He is the promoter of Mysore Professional Chess Academy. IM M.S.Thejkumar is the Vice-President of the Academy and supervises the coaching programme. He works with the Mysore District Chess Association in order to spread the game of chess through the chess in schools program.

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