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Tal Memorial Blitz: Two losses and no wins, the Tiger is yet to wake up!

by Priyadarshan Banjan - 26/09/2016

The Tal Memorial 2016 tournament began with the traditional blitz tournament and Anand had a miserable outing. He drew seven games and lost two to finish with 3.5/9. Azeri GM Shakriyar Mamedyarov won the event with 7.5/9. The main tournament begins today, in a while, but before that, enjoy our brief overview of Anand's performance.

Tal Memorial Blitz: Two losses and no wins, the Tiger is yet to wake up!

Round 02: Nepomniachtchi, who was white here, played 54.a5. Black to play and draw!

Now, Anand found an accurate way to hold. Black played 54...Bxa5!, resulting in a draw. How?

This position is a theoretical draw! White cannot make progress as he has the 'wrong bishop'. To win here, White would need the dark-squared bishop.

It looked like Anand was in trouble. 

Nepo had understood that capturing the black pawn would mean an instant draw -- the wrong bishop combined with the advancing h-pawn. So, he tried to zugzwang Anand into being forced into advancing his g-pawn, allowing hxg4 and winning.


But one of the greatest things about Anand is how calm he can remain under pressure, calculating things accurately. When Nepo finally got his dream position above, he understood why: after 1. Bf5 Black would indeed have no choice but to play 1...g4, but the problem is that after 2.hxg4 Black is stalemated! And if 2.Bxg4 then the wrong bishop and h-pawn ending are left. Seeing this, he smiled ruefully and stuck out his hand for the draw.


But this was followed by more draws -- in the first six rounds, Anand had six draws. And then, he suffered two consecutive losses.

Anand went tangibly wrong with 22...Nf4?, When Giri pressed home without issues.
[Event "Tal Memorial (blitz)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.09.25"]
[Round "7.2"]
[White "Giri, Anish"]
[Black "Anand, Viswanathan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B90"]
[WhiteElo "2766"]
[BlackElo "2790"]
[PlyCount "91"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[TimeControl "180+2"]
[WhiteClock "0:00:12"]
[BlackClock "0:00:08"]
1. e4 {0} c5 {0} 2. Nf3 {0} d6 {0} 3. d4 {1} cxd4 {1} 4. Nxd4 {1} Nf6 {1} 5.
Nc3 {1} a6 {0} 6. Be3 {1} e5 {2} 7. Nf3 {1} Be7 {1} 8. Bc4 {0} O-O {3} 9. O-O {
1} Qc7 {1} 10. Bb3 {1} Be6 {2} 11. Nh4 {1} g6 {6} 12. Bh6 {5} Re8 {5} 13. Qd2 {
1} Nbd7 {8} 14. Nf5 {1} Bxb3 {50} 15. axb3 {7} Nc5 {5} 16. Rae1 {18} Ne6 {9}
17. Ne3 {9} Rac8 {6} 18. h3 {33} Bf8 {2} 19. Bxf8 {8} Rxf8 {1} 20. Ncd5 {14}
Nxd5 {9} 21. Nxd5 {0} Qd8 {1} 22. b4 {17} Nf4 {26} 23. Nxf4 exf4 24. c3 {20}
Qf6 {3} 25. Qd5 {22} f3 {24} 26. g3 {2} Rc7 {2} 27. Re3 {2} Re8 {2} 28. Qd3 {14
} Re5 {6} 29. Rd1 {14} Rd7 {22} 30. Rxf3 {13} Qe6 {0} 31. Kg2 {6} Rxe4 {2} 32.
Rf6 {2} Qxf6 {2} 33. Qxe4 {0} Qe6 {2} 34. Qd5 {5} Kf8 {11} 35. Qd4 {5} Kg8 {4}
36. Rd3 {1} Re7 {16} 37. Qxd6 {14} Qxd6 {6} 38. Rxd6 {1} Re2 {1} 39. Rb6 {4}
Rxb2 {1} 40. Rxb7 {1} a5 {1} 41. b5 {1} a4 {2} 42. c4 {3} Rb4 {7} 43. c5 {7} a3
{1} 44. b6 {1} Rc4 {7} 45. Rb8+ {0} Kg7 {1} 46. b7 {1} 1-0


China's Li Chao (facing board) clearly crushed Anand using his space advantage with black pieces!
[Event "Tal Memorial (blitz)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.09.25"]
[Round "8.4"]
[White "Anand, Viswanathan"]
[Black "Li, Chao b"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A06"]
[WhiteElo "2790"]
[BlackElo "2624"]
[PlyCount "68"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[TimeControl "180+2"]
[WhiteClock "0:00:07"]
[BlackClock "0:00:37"]
1. Nf3 {0} d5 {4} 2. g3 {1} g6 {2} 3. Bg2 Bg7 {2} 4. c4 {9} Nf6 {5} 5. cxd5 {1}
Nxd5 {1} 6. O-O {2} c5 {9} 7. Nc3 {5} O-O {13} 8. Qb3 {4} e6 {23} 9. d3 {4} Nc6
{3} 10. Bg5 {2} Qd7 {4} 11. Ne4 {43} b6 {2} 12. h4 {12} Bb7 {6} 13. h5 {2} h6 {
8} 14. Bd2 {7} g5 {3} 15. Rfc1 {13} f5 {12} 16. Nc3 {2} Kh7 {19} 17. Nxd5 {14}
exd5 {2} 18. Bc3 {7} d4 {16} 19. Bd2 {2} Rae8 {1} 20. Qd1 {3} Ne5 {4} 21. b4 {7
} Bxf3 {18} 22. Bxf3 {3} Nxf3+ {2} 23. exf3 {1} Qd5 {2} 24. bxc5 {10} bxc5 {1}
25. f4 {1} g4 {4} 26. Rab1 {5} Rf6 {17} 27. Rb5 {4} Rc6 {1} 28. a4 {5} a6 {2}
29. Rbb1 {22} Rce6 {2} 30. Rc2 {13} Re2 {5} 31. Ba5 {8} Qf3 {4} 32. Rxe2 {2}
Rxe2 {1} 33. Be1 {1} c4 {5} 34. Rc1 {26} cxd3 {8} 0-1


 Anand finished with a draw against Peter Svidler, finishing seventh in the ten-player field with 3.5/9.

Vishy has had a long association with Mikhail Tal, mainly due to his games but also the chess club where he grew up playing. Vishy was asked to say a few words on Tal, who he had known and played. “Even though Mikhail Tal was only world champion for one year, I think he won more fans in that year than many others in their lifetime. He is obviously one of the most popular world champions ever, and I have a personal connection as well, in that I grew up in the Mikhail Tal Chess Club in Chennai.”


Anand's greatest strength is his ability to bounce back from bad situations. It should be a matter of time before the Madras tiger will be back in business.


Anyway, Anand and Kramnik are not the only world champions at the venue...

Appearing as a guest is Boris Spassky!

And even Anatoly Karpov!

The 2016 Tal Memorial begins at 05.30 PM IST. Do catch the action LIVE in the ChessBase India LIVR games page here, with live grandmaster commentary! Click here above to watch the commentary LIVE! Don't miss it!

GM Evgeny Miroschenko is providing the English language commentary, but an interesting surprise co-commentator is 20-year-old GM Daniil Dubov, who will also be present throughout the Tal Memorial.

The blitz event was won by GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov of Azerbaijan with a phenomenal 7.5/9. Read the full report by Albert Silver in our ChessBase India website here

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