Why Chennai is the chess capital of India!
The final leg of Jacob Aagaard's series of lectures in India was Chennai. While the response was great at other places, it was simply unbelievable what was witnessed in Chennai. The morning trainings had eleven grandmasters attending it including India's latest sensation B. Adhiban. In the open evening session nearly 250 people attended Jacob's lecture on "What is Calculation?" At the end of the day Aagaard understood why Chennai is called the chess capital of India!
It was going to be one of the most intense training session ever. Eleven grandmasters had enrolled for the training camp with Jacob Aagaard in Chennai. Apart from it there were strong IMs and legendary women players like Vijayalakshmi, Meenakshi and Aarthie Ramaswamy!
According to Jacob,"Although the level of the players at the session was very high, it was the easiest one for me to conduct because the players understood everything that I wanted to convey. It was like talking to a group of friends who understood a common language."
Most of the positions given to the participants weren't so tough. They were simple, but not easy. And many times we mistake simple things for being easy. Here's an example:
[Site "?"]
[Date "1972.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Huebner, R."]
[Black "Sigurjonsson, G."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A16"]
[Annotator "Candidates"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r2nr3/4ppbk/2p3pp/3n4/2Q1N3/3P1BPq/3BPP2/1R2R1K1 w - - 0 23"]
[PlyCount "17"]
[EventDate "1972.??.??"]
[WhiteTeam "Montenegro"]
[BlackTeam "Montenegro"]
[WhiteTeamCountry "MNE"]
[BlackTeamCountry "MNE"]
(23. Nd6 $3 {is the right move.} exd6 24. Bg4 $18 {And the queen is trapped.})
23... hxg5 24. Bg4 Qh6 25. Kg2 f5 26. Rh1 fxg4 27. Rxh6+ $1 (27. Bxg5 Qh3+ $1
$13) 27... Bxh6 28. Rh1 Kg7 29. e4 Nf6 30. e5 Nd5 31. Qxg4 $14 {White is
slightly better, but it is clear that Nd6 was much stronger than Ng5!} 1-0
Adhiban had quite a tough time cracking the puzzles. One would imagine that a player of his calibre would breeze through the problems. However, he wasn't able to solve quite a few. While this would have disappointed many players, Adhiban's positive attitude stands out, "This session clearly showed that I have a lot to improve. If I could finish third at Tata Steel with my current level, you can only imagine what I am capable of when I get better!" Jacob was thoroughly impressed with Adhiban's approach and predicted that he would be one of the top ten players in the world very soon!
Jacob would give the sheet of problems to the students which consisted of six positions. And while they are thinking he would correct the answers that were already written and discuss if anyone had gone wrong. This helped him to give personal attention in a group class!
When it came to spotting little tactics, Ramesh was really good. After day one ended Jacob asked me, "Who do you think was the best solver today?" I guessed a few names starting with Karthikeyan, then Aravindh, Vishnu so on. With a smile on his face Jacob said, "It was Ramesh! I gave him the wrong sheet, he solved all the six positions, took the correct sheet and solved the next six as well! All this he did when others were still solving the first sheet!"
Technically the training session had already ended. But Aagaard always likes to deliver more than he has promised. Hence, he invited all the players to another three hour session of calculation! But in order to take a small break and refresh themselves, the players indulged in Hide and seek.
Evening open session
The evening session which was open to everyone for free was at Bala Vidya Mandir school in Adyar. It was arranged by the Chennai District Chess Association (CDCA).
[Site "Las Vegas USA"]
[Date "2014.10.10"]
[Round "4.8"]
[White "Shankland, Sam"]
[Black "Felgaer, Ruben"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D10"]
[WhiteElo "2633"]
[BlackElo "2577"]
[Annotator "CANDIDATES"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "4r1k1/3q1ppp/2n5/p2p1b2/3PnP2/1PN2BP1/PB5P/3R1Q1K b - - 0 29"]
[PlyCount "38"]
[EventDate "2014.10.09"]
instantly.} 30. Bxc3 Re3 $19 31. Bb2 Rxf3 $19) 30. Kg1 (30. Na4 $5 $15) 30...
Nc2 (30... Rc8 $1 $17) 31. Qa6 Nxc3 32. Bxc3 Bg4 33. Bxg4 Qxg4 34. Qd3 Nb4 35.
Qd2 h5 36. Re1 Rxe1+ 37. Qxe1 h4 38. Bxb4 axb4 39. Kg2 h3+ 40. Kf2 Qf5 41. Qe2
Qb1 42. g4 Qh1 43. Kg3 Qg1+ 44. Kxh3 Qxd4 45. Qe8+ Kh7 46. Qxf7 Qe3+ 47. Kh4 d4
48. Qh5+ 1/2-1/2
[Site "Rockville USA"]
[Date "2013.04.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Sadorra, J."]
[Black "Paikidze, N."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D38"]
[WhiteElo "2483"]
[BlackElo "2392"]
[Annotator "Candidates"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "3r2k1/pp3ppp/3Bb3/q7/nbBQ4/4PN2/P4PPP/2RK3R w - - 0 18"]
[PlyCount "47"]
[EventDate "2013.04.06"]
[EventRounds "3"]
[EventCountry "USA"]
[WhiteTeam "Montenegro"]
[BlackTeam "Montenegro"]
[WhiteTeamCountry "MNE"]
[BlackTeamCountry "MNE"]
$2 (19. Rc8 $3 Rxc8 (19... Nc3+ 20. Ke1 $18) 20. Bxb4 Qb5 21. Kd2 Nb6 22. Bc3
Nc4+ 23. Ke1 e5 24. Qd3 $18) 19... Nc3+ 20. Rxc3 Bxc3 21. Qc4 Rxd6 22. Qc8+ Rd8
$2 (22... Kf7 $1 23. Qxb7+ Kf6 24. Rb1 Qxa2+ 25. Kf1 Qc4+ 26. Kg1 Qb4 $1 27.
Qxb4 Bxb4 $15) 23. Qxe6+ Kh8 24. Rb1 $14 Qa4 25. Ng5 Qc2+ 26. Kf3 Rf8+ 27. Nf7+
Kg8 28. Rxb7 Qg6 29. Qxg6 hxg6 30. Rxa7 Rxf7+ 31. Rxf7 Kxf7 32. a4 Ke6 33. Kf4
Be5+ 34. Kg5 Kf7 35. a5 Bb8 36. f4 Bc7 37. a6 Bd8+ 38. Kg4 Bb6 39. e4 Kf6 40.
e5+ Kf7 41. h4 1-0
It was a rockstar like performance by Jacob
You can buy a copy of the New in Chess Magazine with Adhiban on the cover and autographed by him from the ChessBase India shop for just Rs.500. For more details read this article.
The Indian leg of the journey for Jacob Aagaard's lectures had come to an end. Next up - Malaysia, Hong Kong and Thailand! Stay tuned for the next article!