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#iiflwchess 04-07: Ukraine and India share lead

by Priyadarshan Banjan - 02/01/2017

After seven rounds of play at the 2nd IIFL Wealth Mumbai International Open, four players are in the lead—two are Indians, and two Ukrainians. GM Diptayan Ghosh played an interesting game against his old rival IM Sayantan Das and annotated the game for ChessBase India readers. Also, find interesting pictures in our illustrated report.

#iiflwchess 04-07: Ukraine and India share lead

Seven rounds of play have ended in the 2nd IIFL WealtMumbaiai International Open taking place at the Mount Litera School International. Two Ukrainians—GM Vitaliy Bernadskiy and GM Valeriy Neverov—and two Indians—GM Diptayan Ghosh and IM Rahul Sangma—share the lead with 6.0/7.

The all-Bengal clash on the second board.

IM Sayantan Das and GM Diptayan Ghosh have known each other from as long as they can remember. Both of them started together and have been partners for the most part of their young careers.


When the pairings force you to play a player whom you know intimately, it becomes difficult to prepare. Diptayan understood that and yet, he managed to spring a novelty which he had prepared some time back.

Sayantan Das-Diptayan Ghosh (Notes by Diptayan)

[Event "IIFL Wealth Open 2016"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.01.01"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Diptayan, Ghosh"]
[Black "Sayantan, Das"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E68"]
[WhiteElo "2570"]
[BlackElo "2371"]
[PlyCount "119"]
[EventDate "2017.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2008.11.12"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Bg7 4. Bg2 O-O 5. Nc3 d6 6. Nf3 Nbd7 7. O-O e5 8. e4
exd4 9. Nxd4 Re8 10. h3 Nc5 11. Re1 Bd7 12. Bf4 (12. Rb1 {This is the other
main move.}) 12... h6 13. e5 $146 {Deviating from the main line and here my
opponent started to think.} (13. Qc2) (13. Rb1) 13... Nh5 (13... dxe5 14. Bxe5
c6 $5) 14. Be3 dxe5 (14... Rxe5 15. b4 {I think its hard for Black to play
such positions without any preparation over the board.}) 15. Nb3 Nxb3 16. axb3 c6 (16... Bc6 17. Bxc6
bxc6 18. Ra6 $14) 17. Ne4 Be6 18. Bxa7 $6 (18. Qxd8 Rexd8 19. Bxa7) 18... f5 (
18... Qc7 $1 19. Qd6 Qc8 $11) 19. Qxd8 Raxd8 20. Nc5 Bc8 21. Bb6 Rd2 22. Ra8 (
22. Ra7 $1 Rxb2 23. Nxb7 Bxb7 24. Rxb7 e4 25. Be3) 22... Kf7 23. Ra7 e4 (23...
Re7 24. Ra8 Re8) 24. Nxb7 Bxb7 25. Rxb7+ Re7 26. Rxe7+ Kxe7 27. Ra1 Bxb2 $6 (
27... Rxb2 28. Ra7+ Kf8 29. Bc5+ Kg8 30. Rb7 Bc3) 28. Ra7+ Rd7 29. Bc5+ Kd8 30.
Ra6 Rd1+ 31. Bf1 Kc7 32. Ra7+ Kb8 33. Rf7 $14 {Here my opponent was in time
trouble} Be5 34. Be3 Rb1 35. Re7 Bc7 36. Re6 Rxb3 37. Bxh6 g5 $4 (37... Bb6 $1
38. g4 Ng3 (38... Rg3+ 39. Kh2) 39. Rxc6 Bd4 40. Bf4+ Kb7 41. Rxg6 Nxf1 42.
Kxf1 Rf3 43. Bg3 f4 44. Bh4 Rxh3 45. Rh6 Rc3 $11) 38. g4 Nf4 39. Re8+ Kb7 40.
Bxg5 (40. gxf5 $2 Rb1 41. Rxe4 Nxh3+ 42. Kg2 Nf4+ 43. Kg1 Nh3+) 40... Nxh3+ 41.
Bxh3 Rxh3 42. gxf5 Bb6 43. Kg2 Rf3 44. Bh4 Rxf5 45. Rxe4 $18 Rf8 46. f4 Bc7 47.
Kf3 Kb6 48. Be7 Rf7 49. Bb4 Rg7 50. Bc3 Rf7 51. Be5 Bd8 52. Bd6 Rf6 53. Rd4 Rf7
54. Ke4 Bf6 55. Rd3 Kb7 56. Kf5 Bh8+ 57. Ke6 Rf6+ 58. Ke7 Rf5 59. Rb3+ Ka6 60.
Kd7 1-0


Young Harikrishnan Ra (2259) is placed seventh with 5.5/7.

Siddhant Mohapatra (2267) has also played some great chess in the tournament and is on 5.5/7.

Saurabh Anand (2079) has lost just one game but is performing at an impressive 2498. However, his IM norm possibilities remain in doubt because he 'suffered' a walkover in the first round after IM Ramnath Bhuvanesh failed to turn up.

On track to register her IM norm is WFM Srija Seshadri (2087) who is at 5.0/7.

Tamil Nadu youngster Tarun V Kanth (1943) was always tied for the first place or the second place during the first six rounds until he lost to IM Rahul Sangma in the seventh.

IM Srinath Narayanan (2490) is shocked by his play.

Likhit Chilukuri surprised by the person taking the pictures.

Srinath Rao of Andhra Pradesh.

The games have been nailbiting throughout the event.

Andrei Deviatkin chose to bite his pen instead of nails.

So did young Pranav V.

FI Praful Zaveri of the Indian Chess School is the man propelling this tournament.

Aditya Mittal is not impressed by his position.

IM Nisha Mohota

Former World Under-08 champion Bharath Subramanyam (2023) in action.

WIM Anna Styazhkina (2289) of Russia

WIM Jesse February of South Africa

Rank after Round 7

Rk. SNo   Name FED Rtg Pts.  TB1   TB2   TB3 
1 14 GM Neverov Valeriy UKR 2478 6,0 0,0 34,5 25,5
2 4 GM Bernadskiy Vitaliy UKR 2540 6,0 0,0 33,5 24,0
3 3 GM Ghosh Diptayan IND 2570 6,0 0,0 32,5 23,0
4 34 IM Sangma Rahul IND 2306 6,0 0,0 28,0 20,0
5 17 IM Saptarshi Roy IND 2418 5,5 0,0 31,0 21,5
6 7 GM Tukhaev Adam UKR 2516 5,5 0,0 30,5 21,5
7 48   Harikrishnan.A.Ra IND 2259 5,5 0,0 30,0 21,0
8 46   Sidhant Mohapatra IND 2267 5,5 0,0 29,0 21,5
9 20 IM Akash G IND 2395 5,5 0,0 29,0 20,5
10 31 WGM Toma Katarzyna POL 2322 5,0 0,0 33,5 23,5

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