Vidit Gujrathi is the patron of Goldchess
Vidit Gujrathi recently became a patron of Goldchess for the year 2017. What exactly is Goldchess? In this article you get to know all about the portal. The founders of Goldchess have decided to host a tournament specially for Indian players with a prize money of US $2,200. There are 50 free entry coupons to be won. All the details in the article.
Goldchess is a website with tournaments whose prize funds range from US$2,000 to US$50,000. Every chess player is eligible to take part in our tournaments. Professionals and amateurs, from all over the world, are welcome to participate in our events, upon having paid the entry fees.
Tournaments are played online, without having to leave your house. The participants play against the CEEC, an educational computer program, whose level hovers around 1800. The program can be downloaded for free on our site. The players solve tasks which begin from given positions, and have precise instructions. The objectives are checkmating or forcing the program to resignation. The commands are given by the Organizer in the same file which contains the tasks position.
Goldchess also has free games available to everybody. For example, the game Gold0, free of charge, is meant for players under the age of 16. The game Genius Test, also free of charge, can be played by anybody. The prizes range from $50 in Gold0, to hundreds of dollars in Genius Test.

Goldchess and the Indian connection
On February 25th, this Saturday, Goldchess will host an "Indian edition" of the Non Stop online tournament on their website. Games of GM Vidit and GM Grover were used to make problems for the tournament. Everyone is invited to take part in this event and a prize pool of $2200 prize pool is waiting!
Note: As per Goldchess website the competition with take place on 25th February at 11.00 a.m New York time. This translates to 21.30 Indian time on the 25th.
50 players who send me a personal message on my Facebook page with the right answer will get a free license code to take part in this Indian week on GoldChess.
The recipient of the license code must be a registered user. He or she needs to log into their Goldchess account, go to "My Account," and open the tab "Promotional Codes." The rest is easy - there is only one field left to be filled out, where the license code is entered, and then click "Use." If the code is correct, has not been used before and its validity has not expired, an appropriate Game will be added to the player's account.