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Trisha Kanyamarala leads in under-13, Kush, Lakshana and Nityata aiming for the gold

by Tarun Kanyamarala - 27/04/2018

Tarun and Trisha Kanyamarala continue their coverage of the World Schools 2018 that is currently taking place in Albania. Trisha is currently in the top position with 4.5/6 in the girls under-13 section. For Indians three players are doing really well. They are Kush Bhagat in the under-9 section, Lakshana Subramanian in the under-7 girls section and Nityata Jain in the under-15 girls section. We also have pictures of the event sent to us by Rekha Nahar.  Indians are having a tough time with the food and also being forced to change their rooms, but their morale is still very high! 

All chess players from India are facing problems with the Albanian food. This is the feedback we got by interacting with most of the parents. Sunset is the best view and something that should not be missed. It is an amazing view and a great feeling to do our reports for ChessBase India from the Adriatic sea coast.

Explaining my win against Florian Pjetracaj
Trisha explains her sixth round win

A win and loss became a every day routine in my daily life. After a big defeat in round three, which was due to my aching throat, I am now back on my feet after a hot water gargle! 

When you are playing tournaments for the last four months, you start to take victories and losses within your stride. Win or lose you get the pieces back to the starting squares! | Photo: Rekha Nahar

Round four was an interesting one where two top Indians Kush Bhagat and Aarav Lakhani fought it out against each other. Aarav won that game, but Kush is currently doing very well with 4.5/6 and in the second position in the under-9 section.

The boy who aims to make it big in the world of chess - Kush Bhagat | Photo: Priyadarshan Banjan

In under 13 category the most important category, compared to any age categories, it is Babazada Khazzar from Azerbaijan who looks strong. We support him and we like his way of tactics. It is very strange to see, there are no Indians participating in the premier catergory of under 13.

In under 15 category, Romanian Bulau is sole leader and you can see the Romanian supporters for him in the below picture:

Romanian supporters out there for Bulau Andrei-Cristian | Photo: Tarun Kanyamarala

The only Indian Girl, the star player of Indore, Nityata Jain. came back positively after a draw in the first round by winning four out of her next five rounds and is in with great chances of a medal.   

Will Nityata Jain bring back the gold for India? | Photo: Nidhi Jain
Lakshana Subramanian is currently in third position in the under-7 girls section. She lost her first game, but has come back with five wins. This is her interview taken by IM Sagar Shah at the Chennai Open 2018!

All Indian players had been promised a room at the FAFA premium hotel, but now they are shifted to California. The organizers are claiming that they are a part of the FAFA buildings. | Photo: Rekha Nahar

No matter what the odds are, you will always see the Indian contingent having a good time! | Photo: Rekha Nahar

Overview of Indian performance until round 6

6Jaivardhan Raj1119IND11½0½03,01540-20,40U7
8Rosh Jain1112IND1110104,0540-12,00U7
19Ishaan Singh Khanuja0IND0½11013,51400,00U7
21Khandhadia Nivaan Rathin0IND0001102,02600,00U7
7CMBhagat Kush1434IND11101½4,524022,00U9
13Aarav Lakhani1363IND1111004,094050,00U9
26Rajveer Pinkesh Nahar1097IND0011½13,5194054,00U9
12Colaco Reuben1560IND11011½4,544022,40U11
15Bang Atharva1516IND11½01½4,084056,00U11
15Jaisingh Anugraha1717IND½0101½3,0144034,80U17
4Aggarwal Tashna0IND1001114,0900,00G7
6Anaishaa Pinkesh Nahar0IND1100002,02000,00G7
18Kolagatla Alana Meenakshi0IND0011103,01800,00G7
20Lakshana Subramanian0IND0111115,0300,00G7
21Luxshana B K0IND1101014,05400,00G7
11Indira Priyadharshini Subbu1161IND101½103,51040-10,80G9
17Cera Dagaria1264IND½½11003,0144050,80G11
22Aarna Chugh1123IND01½½0002,0244012,80G11
14Kiyarra Sunil Khaturia1390IND1½10103,5104047,20G13
21Rhythm Singhal1202IND01001½2,52340-4,40G13
4Jain Nityata1894IND½111014,53408,40G15

Overview of Irish performance

12AGMTarun Kanyamarala2006IRL1010013,02040-38,00U15
11Nemeth Zalan1880IRL1½½½½½3,584015,20U17
1AIMTrisha Kanyamarala2031IRL1110½14,5140-33,60G13

About the author:

Tarun (right) and Trisha (left) Kanyamarala are the strongest juniors of Ireland. They recently changed their nationality from being Indians to Irish citizens. They do not go to school and have dedicated their life in improving at chess. They have been travelling since last four months playing one tournament after another. They are also entrepreneurs and founders of ATC - Anytime Chess.

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