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Nihal's game at 10 p.m. will decide whether he makes his 2nd GM norm

by Sagar Shah - 09/12/2017

Praggnanandhaa wasn't able to score his second GM norm in the closed Round Robin tournament in Australia. But his friend and the equally brilliant Indian talent, Nihal Sarin has a chance tonight. Nihal is playing at the London Chess Classic and has played some excellent chess to be on 6.0/8. In the last round he is up against Szymon Gumularz rated 2376. Nihal's opponent is rated 131 points below him. The 13-year-old has to score a win in order to achieve his GM norm. Will he be able to make it? Join us at 10 p.m. tonight (9th December) for the live game. Thumbnail photo: Lennart Ootes.

Live game of Nihal at 10 p.m. IST

Nihal's performance in this tournament | Source: chess-results

If Nihal wins today he would complete three steps out of four for becoming a GM. He would have 2500+ FIDE rating and two GM norms. He would then need only one more norm! | Photo: Lennart Ootes

Download all of Nihal's games from the London Chess Classic

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