Watch the National A Blind 2018 Live!
This is for the first time in the history of Blind Chess in India that the games are being broadcasted live. They were done once at the Asian Championship, but that was using the Monroi technology. This time we are using the DGT boards where moves are being made by the volunteers to bring you all the games live! We hope that you can follow the games, and get a feel for the level of play of these 14 best visually challenged players of India. These are the games of the National Premier Blind 2018 which is a 14 player Round Robin event.
Live Games:
Completed games:
Playing schedule
Round | Date | Time |
1 | 2018/02/03 | 10.30AM |
2 | 2018/02/04 | 09.00AM |
3 | 2018/02/04 | 02.30PM |
4 | 2018/02/05 | 09.30AM |
5 | 2018/02/06 | 09.00AM |
6 | 2018/02/06 | 02.30PM |
7 | 2018/02/07 | 09.00AM |
8 | 2018/02/07 | 02.30PM |
9 | 2018/02/08 | 09.30AM |
10 | 2018/02/09 | 09.30AM |
11 | 2018/02/09 | 02.30PM |
12 | 2018/02/10 | 09.30AM |
13 | 2018/02/11 | 09.30AM |
Navin Kumar is playing a key role in broadcasting the games live by constantly making the moves on the DGT boards
Parents are playing a key role in relaying the games live!
The live broadcasting expert in Indian chess AnandhBabu VL constantly helped to get the games live even though he was in Tamil Nadu. This would not have been possible without his guidance.