विश्व शतरंज चैंपियनशिप -राउंड 3 -जीत के करीब थे कार्लसन
एक योद्धा कभी हमला करना , प्रयास करना नहीं छोड़ता भले ही उसके सामने जीत की संभावना नहीं के बराबर हो न्यू यॉर्क अमेरिका में चल रही अगोन फीडे विश्व शतरंज चैंपियनशिप में एक दिन के विश्राम के बाद तीसरे राउंड में सफ़ेद मोहरो से खेल रहे मौजूदा विश्व चैम्पियन कार्लसन नें रूस के कर्जाकिन के खिलाफ लगभग बराबर चल रहे मैच में पहले तो शानदार चालें चलते हुए कर्जाकिन पर दबाव बनाते हुए गलतियाँ करने पर विवश कर दिया और एक अतिरिक्त मोहरा मारते हुए बढ़त बना ली और जब ऐसा लगने लगा की शायद अब कार्लसन ये मैच जीत लेंगे उनसे कुछ गलत चाले हुई और परिणाम स्वरूप कर्जाकिन नें जबरजस्त बचाव करते हुए गेम को बराबरी पर रोक लिया । यह देखने के लिहाज से भले एक ओर ड्रॉ नजर आए पर विश्व चैम्पियन नार्वे के मेगनस कार्लसन का एक मोहरा ज्यादा होते हुए भी मैच का ना जीत पाना कोई साधारण घटना नहीं थी
जीत के करीब कार्लसन को कर्जाकिन ने रोका ,तीसरा मैच भी ड्रॉ
पहले तो लगभग ड्रॉ पोजिसन से जीत का रास्ता खोजने के लिए कार्लसन और हारे हुए मैच में भी खुद पर नियंत्रण बनाए रखने के लिए और बचाव का रास्ता निकाल लेने के लिए कर्जाकिन की जितनी तारीफ की जाए वो कम होगी। कार्लसन आज अपनी पसंदीदा बर्लिन ओपनिंग में खेल को एक अलग ही स्तर पर ले गए । शुरुआत से ही मोहरो की अदला बदली चालू रही और 15 चाल तक दोनों की रानी भी खेल से बाहर थी मतलब साफ था खेल अब छोटे मोहरो के खेल पर टिका था । 20वीं चाल के बाद दोनों खिलाड़ियों के पास 7 प्यादे ,कार्लसन के पास 1 हाथी आ घोडा और तो कर्जाकिन के पास 1 हाथी और 1 काले खाने का ऊंट था । ऐसा लग रहा था खेल आसानी से ड्रॉ हो जाएगा पर कार्लसन के इरादे कुछ और ही थे । 63वी चाल में कर्जाकिन से हुई एक गलती का फायदा उठा कर कार्लसन नें 69 वी चाल में कर्जाकिन का ऊंट मार लिया ।पर बदले में उन्हे अपने कुछ प्यादे देने पड़े । खेल में ऐसी स्थिति आई की कार्लसन के पास एक मोहरा तो ज्यादा था पर एक चाल चूकने की वजह से वो कर्जाकिन का एक प्यादा रानी बनने से नहीं रोक पा रहे थे अंततः उन्हे लगातार राजा को शह देते हुए 78 वी चाल पर ड्रॉ खेलने सहमत होना पड़ा । अब ये तो आने वाला वक्त ही बताएगा की आज के इस मैच में किसे फायदा हुआ और किसे नुकसान । अगले राउंड में कर्जाकिन सफ़ेद मोहरो से खेलेंगे ।
भारत के अनुभवी ग्रांड मास्टर शशिकिरण नें मैच के पहले कहा था की कार्लसन e4 खेलेंगे और बात सही निकली
5. Re1 चाल और इसके आगे खेले अधिकतर मैच ड्रॉ ही रहे है । इसीलिए जो भी इसे खेलता है लोगो को लगता है की शायद सामने वाला ड्रॉ चाहता है पर जब कार्लसन इसे खेलते है सामने वाला जोरदार एंडगेम खेलने की तैयारी रखे तो ही अच्छा है
Re2 चाल के साथ साफ था की कार्लसन कुछ नए तीर अपने तरकश में लाये है . In 2014 बील मास्टर में लगभग कुछ ही पोजिसन में एमएलवी नें गिरि के खिलाफ ये च्छल चली थी । हो सकता है कार्लसन की ये चाल उसी मैच का परिणाम हो
कुछ बाते जो कार्लसन को एक शक्तिशाली खिलाड़ी के साथ साथ इस खेल का एक शानदार कलाकार बनाती है वो है लगभग बराबर स्थिति में सामने वाले को परेशानी में डालना जैसे यहाँ पर a4 एक शानदार चाल है जो सामने वाले का जबाब कुछ भी हो a5,a6 फायदा कार्लसन को ही होना है
यहाँ देखने में ऐसा कुछ नहीं है जिससे कर्जाकिन का ऊंट किसी मैने में कार्लसन के घोड़े से कम हो पर आने वाले पूरे खेल में कार्लसन नें अपने घोड़े से कहीं बेहतर खेल दिखाया । एक बात साफ इस तरह के खेल में कार्लसन साफ तौर पर कर्जाकिन से बेहतर नजर आ रहे है
मेगनस यहाँ जीत सकते थे अगर वो 70.Re8 चलते पर उन्होने 70.Nc6का चुनाव किया । खैर वो कोई मशीन तो नहीं
पर अगली चाल में जब कर्जाकिन 70...Rc3, चलके खेल बराबर कर सकते थे उन्होने 70...Kxf5 चुना और कार्लसन फिर जीतने लगे
Rb7 कार्लसन की आखिरी गलती थी जहां Rf7+ से खेल को जीता जा सकता था और इसी वजह से कर्जाकिन का राजा अपने प्यादे की मदद के लिए ऊपर आ गया और ड्रॉ खेलना ही एकमात्र विकल्प था
[Site "New York"]
[Date "2016.11.14"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Carlsen, Magnus"]
[Black "Karjakin, Sergey"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C67"]
[WhiteElo "2857"]
[BlackElo "2769"]
[Annotator "Sagar Shah"]
[PlyCount "156"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[EventType "match"]
[EventCountry "USA"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"]
e4 is what he is going to try for. Is this his main move for the World
Championship Match, or will he keep rotating stuff? Game 5 will tell.} e5 {
[%emt 0:00:09]} 2. Nf3 {[%emt 0:00:00]} Nc6 {[%emt 0:00:03]} 3. Bb5 {[%emt 0:
00:00]} Nf6 {[%emt 0:00:10] The Berlin! Many amateurs ask the reason why top
players more often than not go for the Berlin? The answer is pretty simple. It
is the most solid opening and Black's chances of equalizing are very high.} 4.
O-O {[%emt 0:00:00]} (4. d3 {is nowadays the most popular way to avoid the
Berlin.}) 4... Nxe4 {[%emt 0:00:05]} 5. Re1 {[%emt 0:00:05][%cal Gf1e1] The
last time Magnus played this against Vishy it was when he was leading the
match and wanted to ensure that he maintains his lead. This time, however, he
uses the move Re1 for a long game where he has some chances to press for an
edge.} (5. d4 {leads to the main lines of the Berlin Endgame.}) 5... Nd6 {
[%emt 0:00:07]} 6. Nxe5 {[%emt 0:00:11]} Be7 {[%emt 0:00:06]} 7. Bf1 {[%emt 0:
00:06]} Nxe5 {[%emt 0:00:37]} 8. Rxe5 {[%emt 0:00:04]} O-O {[%emt 0:00:07]} 9.
d4 {[%emt 0:00:11]} (9. Nc3 Ne8 10. Nd5 Bd6 11. Re2 {This move Re2 was first
played by Maxime Vachier-Lagrave against Anish Giri in Biel 2014. It was for
the first time that someone had retreated their rook to e2 rather than the
natural e1. Maxime wrote in the New in Chess Magazine that he found this idea
against Play Magnus App when he was travelling in the flight. So Magnus was
involved in MVL finding the novelty as well!}) 9... Bf6 {[%emt 0:00:26]} 10.
Re2 $5 {[%emt 0:00:07][%cal Ge5e2] Inspired by MVL? Well Magnus wants to
provoke b6 from Sergey before coming back to e1. But even if b6 is not played
then the e1 square is kept free and can be used by the queen or the rook on a1.
} b6 {[%emt 0:25:08] Sergey thought for a very long time to execute this move.
The idea is clear. He wants to play Ba6.} (10... Nf5 11. d5 (11. c3 d5 {
looks fine for Black.}) 11... d6 12. c3 {has been played in two games by
Kovalenko and Vallejo Pons. Magnus might have had some new ideas here.}) 11.
Re1 $5 {[%emt 0:00:11] This is still not a new move. It has been played in
Kasimdzhanov-Melkumyan, 2016. Many people wondered as to why Magnus retreated
his rook first to e2 and than to e1. Didn't he provoke Sergey into playing b6?
The most common setup for Black in such games is to put his pawn on d5. But
with the move b6 already played the light squares like c6, a6 start to become
a little weak. Magnus found a tempo to be a good investment for provoking
these weaknesses.} (11. b3 Ba6 12. c4 Nf5 13. Bb2 d5 {is already better for
Black.}) 11... Re8 $146 {[%emt 0:04:11] The first new move of the game.} (11...
Nb7 12. Na3 d5 13. c3 Nd6 14. Nc2 a5 15. Ne3 Nf5 16. Ng4 Bg5 17. Bd3 Bxc1 18.
Rxc1 Nd6 19. h3 Re8 20. Qf3 Bxg4 21. Qxg4 g6 22. Re5 c6 23. Rce1 Qc7 24. R1e3
Kg7 25. h4 f6 26. Rxe8 Rxe8 27. Rxe8 Nxe8 28. h5 f5 29. Qg5 Nd6 30. hxg6 {
1/2-1/2 (30) Kasimdzhanov,R (2704)-Melkumyan,H (2622) Germany 2016}) 12. Bf4 {
[%emt 0:02:02] Magnus was still pretty much blitzing his moves which showed
that he was still in prepared territory.} Rxe1 {[%emt 0:00:13]} 13. Qxe1 {
[%emt 0:00:02]} Qe7 {[%emt 0:06:06]} (13... Bxd4 $2 14. Bxd6 cxd6 (14... Bxb2
15. Bxc7 $16) 15. Qe4 Bxb2 16. Qxa8 Bxa1 17. Ba6 $18) 14. Nc3 {[%emt 0:15:08]
The first real think for Magnus. He was surely trying to decide between
whether to first take the queen and play Nc3, or directly Nc3. Now Nd5 is a
threat and hence, this square must be controlled.} Bb7 {[%emt 0:00:33]} 15.
Qxe7 {[%emt 0:02:16]} Bxe7 {[%emt 0:00:14]} 16. a4 {[%emt 0:00:26] So what
have we got here? A symmetrical pawn structured position with equal number of
pieces. Looks like another dull draw, right? Well, pressing in such positions
is an art and Magnus is the best in the business. I call it an art because
take this position and you will find that nothing forcing is happening. Most
of the people would have gone for Re1 because it attacks the bishop. But
Magnus plays a4!? He thinks that the inclusion of a4 will be good for him. If
Black plays a5 then b5 would be weak and if he goes a6 as in the game then he
has to worry about an attack on that pawn later on. Such positions are not
boring. They may be slow but certainly filled with rich ideas.} a6 {[%emt 0:04:
14]} (16... a5 {Sergey didn't want to weaken his b5 square and that's pretty
logical.}) 17. g3 {[%emt 0:05:08]} g5 {[%emt 0:09:00]} ({Perhaps safer was}
17... Re8 18. Re1 (18. Bh3 Bf6 19. Bxd7 Rd8 20. Bh3 Bxd4 $11) 18... Bf6 19.
Rxe8+ Nxe8 $11) 18. Bxd6 {[%emt 0:06:03]} (18. Be3 f5 {Followed by Bf6 and Re8
is an excellent position for Black.}) 18... Bxd6 {[%emt 0:00:13]} 19. Bg2 $1 {
[%emt 0:12:20] Whenever your opponent has the bishop pair, it makes sense to
exchange one of them to diminish the value of the other.} Bxg2 {[%emt 0:00:08]}
20. Kxg2 {[%emt 0:00:02][%csl Gc3,Gd6] Who is better here? Well the position
is dynamically equal. But is it a dead draw? No! The main reason is the
imbalance in the position. White has a knight against Black's bishop. In
principle there is no reason why Black should be worse here. His bishop is not
bad there are no real weaknesses. The better player will get an advantage in a
position like this.} f5 {[%emt 0:10:24] Karjakin doesn't take over the e-file
because he sees that he can do it later with Kf7 and Re8 as well.} 21. Nd5 {
[%emt 0:07:43]} Kf7 {[%emt 0:00:16]} 22. Ne3 {[%emt 0:08:03]} Kf6 {[%emt 0:00:
39]} (22... f4 23. Nc4 fxg3 24. hxg3 {The bishop cannot move because Ne5 would
be strong and giving up the bishop and doubling the pawns is not what Sergey
would have liked to do.} Re8 25. Nxd6+ cxd6 26. Ra3 $14) 23. Nc4 {[%emt 0:03:
26]} Bf8 {[%emt 0:01:59]} (23... Re8 24. Nxd6 cxd6 25. Ra3 {It's not a
position that you would like to try against Magnus. He will find ways to make
you suffer right until the very end!}) 24. Re1 {[%emt 0:03:47] By some smart
moves with the knight, Magnus has taken over the e-file. Now Kf7, Re8 is not
possible.} Rd8 {[%emt 0:02:05]} (24... b5 25. Ne5 $1 (25. axb5 $6 axb5 26. Ne5
d6 27. Nc6 d5 28. c3 Ra2 $132) 25... d6 26. Nc6 $1 d5 27. c3 {White is clearly
better.}) 25. f4 {[%emt 0:05:43] Fixing the weakness on f5 and preparing to
attack it later on.} gxf4 {[%emt 0:17:26]} 26. gxf4 {[%emt 0:00:02]} b5 {
[%emt 0:00:11]} 27. axb5 {[%emt 0:00:14]} axb5 {[%emt 0:00:01]} 28. Ne3 {
[%emt 0:01:31]} (28. Ne5 c5 (28... d6 29. Nc6 Ra8 30. d5 $16) 29. Rd1 cxd4 30.
Rxd4 Ke6 {Black is fine.}) 28... c6 {[%emt 0:01:16]} 29. Kf3 {[%emt 0:00:54]} (
29. Ra1 {could have been an idea, but the rook has nothing much to attack
after penetrating to a7.}) 29... Ra8 {[%emt 0:02:02]} 30. Rg1 {[%emt 0:06:55]
Somehow the knight is doing much more than the bishop. The bishop is just
sitting on f8, while the knight on e3 is constantly putting pressure on f5.
The threat now is Rg5.} Ra2 {[%emt 0:04:53]} (30... Bh6 {seemed pretty good.
The bishop not only defends the g5 square but also attacks the f4 pawn. But it
is true that it is quite passive on h6.}) 31. b3 {[%emt 0:01:22]} c5 {[%emt 0:
02:37]} (31... h6 $6 32. h4 $16 {with the idea of h5 would be pretty strong.})
(31... Bh6 32. Rg8 $1 $14 {That's the reason why the rook should have been on
a8.}) 32. Rg8 {[%emt 0:05:47]} (32. Rg5 cxd4 33. Rxf5+ Ke6 (33... Kg7 34. Ng4
Rxc2 35. Rxb5 $14) 34. Rxf8 dxe3 35. Rc8 $16 {Black will lose a pawn and will
have to suffer in the endgame.}) 32... Kf7 {[%emt 0:04:43]} 33. Rg2 {[%emt 0:
00:59]} cxd4 {[%emt 0:00:27]} (33... Kf6 $2 34. dxc5 Bxc5 35. Nxf5 $1 {Magnus
is always so alert for such tricks!} Kxf5 36. Rg5+ Ke6 37. Rxc5 $16) 34. Nxf5 {
[%emt 0:00:34]} d3 $1 {[%emt 0:00:07] Active defence by Karjakin. By giving up
his d-pawn, he weakens the b3 pawn.} 35. cxd3 {[%emt 0:00:07]} Ra1 {[%emt 0:01:
19]} (35... Ra3 {was better as after} 36. Rb2 Bb4 37. Ne3 Bc3 38. Rb1 Ra2 39.
Nd5 Rd2 40. Ke3 b4 {This seems more active for Black.}) 36. Nd4 {[%emt 0:04:38]
} b4 {[%emt 0:00:09]} 37. Rg5 {[%emt 0:03:47] It's so difficult to Magnus in
such positions. He always finds the best way to push. White is not only a pawn
up but also has his eyes set on the weaknesses on d7 and h7.} Rb1 {[%emt 0:10:
06]} 38. Rf5+ {[%emt 0:01:55]} Ke8 {[%emt 0:00:25]} 39. Rb5 {[%emt 0:02:46]} (
39. Rh5 Bg7) 39... Rf1+ {[%emt 0:02:04]} (39... Bg7 40. Rb8+ $1 {A small check
can do big damage! Now Ke7 is met with Nf5+ and Kf7 with Rxb4. Later the d7
pawn will be hanging.} Kf7 41. Rxb4 Bxd4 42. Rxd4 $18 {[%csl Rd7]}) 40. Ke4 {
[%emt 0:00:00]} Re1+ {[%emt 0:02:19]} 41. Kf5 {[%emt 0:02:14]} (41. Kd5 Rd1)
41... Rd1 {[%emt 0:01:52]} 42. Re5+ {[%emt 0:10:59]} Kf7 {[%emt 0:01:57]} 43.
Rd5 {[%emt 0:01:05]} Rxd3 {[%emt 0:06:26]} 44. Rxd7+ {[%emt 0:02:12]} Ke8 {
[%emt 0:01:55]} (44... Kg8 45. Ke4 Rd1 46. Rb7 $18 {All of White's pieces are
active and he is clearly better.}) 45. Rd5 {[%emt 0:00:33]} Rh3 {[%emt 0:00:30]
} 46. Re5+ {[%emt 0:04:21]} Kf7 {[%emt 0:01:16]} 47. Re2 {[%emt 0:00:55] The
dust has settled a bit. White has kept his activity and is a pawn up.} Bg7 {
[%emt 0:13:05]} 48. Nc6 {[%emt 0:05:47]} Rh5+ {[%emt 0:07:28]} (48... Rxb3 $2
49. Nd8+ $1 Kf8 (49... Kg8 50. Re8+ Bf8 51. Ne6 $18) 50. Ne6+ Kf7 51. Ng5+ Kf8
52. Nxh7+ Kf7 53. Ng5+ Kf8 54. Kg6 $18) 49. Kg4 {[%emt 0:06:44]} Rc5 {[%emt 0:
00:14]} 50. Nd8+ {[%emt 0:04:05]} (50. Nxb4 Rb5 51. Re4 h5+ 52. Kf3 Bf8 53. Nd3
Rxb3 {Black is still worse but he is able to get rid of the main pawn. This
should be a draw.}) 50... Kg6 {[%emt 0:00:08]} 51. Ne6 {[%emt 0:02:11]} h5+ {
[%emt 0:02:01]} 52. Kf3 {[%emt 0:00:07]} Rc3+ {[%emt 0:00:05]} 53. Ke4 {
[%emt 0:01:51]} (53. Re3 Bf6 {And White would not like to take on c3.}) 53...
Bf6 {[%emt 0:00:18]} (53... Rxb3 54. Rg2+ $18) 54. Re3 {[%emt 0:05:23]} h4 {
[%emt 0:03:06]} 55. h3 {[%emt 0:01:00]} Rc1 {[%emt 0:04:28]} 56. Nf8+ {[%emt 0:
10:56]} Kf7 {[%emt 0:00:20]} 57. Nd7 {[%emt 0:00:05]} Ke6 {[%emt 0:02:25]} 58.
Nb6 {[%emt 0:00:46]} (58. Nxf6 Kxf6 $11) 58... Rd1 {[%emt 0:00:56]} 59. f5+ {
[%emt 0:00:08]} Kf7 {[%emt 0:01:00]} 60. Nc4 {[%emt 0:00:00]} Rd4+ {[%emt 0:13:
07]} 61. Kf3 {[%emt 0:01:15]} Bg5 {[%emt 0:00:18]} 62. Re4 {[%emt 0:06:55]}
Rd3+ {[%emt 0:00:14]} 63. Kg4 {[%emt 0:00:06]} Rg3+ $6 {[%emt 0:00:06]} (63...
Bf6 {was much better.} 64. Re6 Rg3+ (64... Rxb3 65. Nd6+ Kg7 66. Ne8+ $18) 65.
Kf4 Bg5+ 66. Ke4 Rxb3 $14) 64. Kh5 {[%emt 0:00:04]} Be7 {[%emt 0:02:07]} 65.
Ne5+ {[%emt 0:01:28]} Kf6 {[%emt 0:01:14]} 66. Ng4+ {[%emt 0:00:10]} Kf7 {
[%emt 0:03:25]} 67. Re6 {[%emt 0:05:20]} Rxh3 {[%emt 0:05:40]} 68. Ne5+ {
[%emt 0:01:09]} Kg7 {[%emt 0:00:02]} (68... Kf8 69. Ng6+ $18) 69. Rxe7+ {
[%emt 0:03:41]} Kf6 {[%emt 0:00:02][%cal Ge7e8,Re5c6]} 70. Nc6 $2 {[%emt 0:01:
34][%cal Rf6f5,Gh3c3]} (70. Re8 $1 {was the win that Magnus missed.} Kxf5 71.
Nc6 Rh1 72. Nd4+ Kf4 73. Re2 h3 74. Kh4 h2 75. Ne6+ Kf3 76. Rc2 {And White
simply wins the game.} Re1 77. Ng5+ $18) 70... Kxf5 $2 {[%emt 0:02:25]} (70...
Rc3 $1 {Attacks the knight and after} 71. Re6+ Kxf5 72. Nd4+ Kf4 73. Kxh4 Rd3 {
The b3 pawn will soon be lost and we will be in R vs R+N territory which
should be drawn.}) 71. Na5 $1 {[%emt 0:03:50] Now Magnus is back on track
towards the win.} Rh1 {[%emt 0:00:10]} 72. Rb7 $2 {[%emt 0:00:30]} (72. Rf7+
Ke4 73. Kg4 Ra1 74. Nc6 Rb1 75. Rf4+ Kd5 76. Nxb4+ Kd6 77. Rf3 $18) 72... Ra1
$1 {[%emt 0:03:36]} 73. Rb5+ {[%emt 0:00:29]} (73. Nc6 h3 $11) 73... Kf4 $1 {
[%emt 0:00:04]} 74. Rxb4+ {[%emt 0:00:22]} Kg3 {[%emt 0:00:20] Black has given
up the b-pawn but now his h-pawn supported by the king is extremely strong.}
75. Rg4+ {[%emt 0:03:50]} Kf2 {[%emt 0:00:02]} 76. Nc4 {[%emt 0:02:02]} h3 {
[%emt 0:00:09]} 77. Rh4 {[%emt 0:00:30]} Kg3 {[%emt 0:00:08]} 78. Rg4+ {
[%emt 0:00:08]} Kf2 {[%emt 0:00:06] A great fight. Magnus pressed as hard as
he could, while Sergey defended with all his might. Just what we were
expecting. Magnus must be kicking himself for missing the win, while Sergey
would be happy with his defensive effort. This fourth game would be crucial.
Because when Anand drew such a marathon endgame against Magnus in game four of
the World Championship 2013, the next game Magnus struck back with a win!
Karjakin must remain careful.} 1/2-1/2

पूर्व राउंड के लिंक
1-विश्व शतरंज चैंपियनशिप -दूसरी बाजी भी रही अनिर्णीत
2-विश्व चैंपियनशिप ::राउंड 1 :: पहली बाजी रही बराबर
3-तैयार रहे ! आ गया ! कार्लसन -कर्जाकिन महामुकाबला
4-आनंद -कार्लसन -चैस बेस और हिन्दी का शतरंज सफर -1
आपका दोस्त
निकलेश जैन