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WJCC 02: Chinese outwit the German higher seeds

by Priyadarshan Banjan - 10/08/2016

Continuing the precedent set in the very first round, there were a handful of upsets in the second round of the World Junior Chess Championship being held at KIIT Univeristy, Bhubaneswar. We have an illustrated report.

Chinese outwit the German higher seeds

Continuing the precedent set in the very first round, there were a handful of upsets in the second round of the World Junior Chess Championship being held at KIIT Univeristy, Bhubaneswar. The top three seeds — Vladislav Artemiev, Jeffrey Xiong and Kirill Alekseenko — had a positive outing, but there was bloodshed on other boards.

German GM Dennis Wagner (2572)

Unheralded Chinese FM Xu Yi (2371) caused a flutter by defeating the fifth seed German GM Dennis Wagner.

[Event "WJCC 1-10"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.4"]
[White "Xu, Yi"]
[Black "Wagner, Dennis"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C54"]
[WhiteElo "2371"]
[BlackElo "2572"]
[PlyCount "93"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "1:09:09"]
[BlackClock "0:54:56"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d3 a6 6. O-O d6 7. a4 h6 8. Nbd2
Ba7 9. a5 g5 10. b4 g4 11. Ne1 {734} h5 {988} 12. Nb3 {877} d5 {1476} 13. exd5
Nxd5 14. Bd2 Be6 15. b5 Nce7 16. bxa6 bxa6 17. Bxa6 g3 18. hxg3 h4 19. g4 Qd7
20. Qe2 h3 21. Qxe5 Ng6 22. Qg3 c6 23. gxh3 Bb8 24. f4 Rxa6 25. Nc5 Qa7 26. d4
Rxa5 27. Rxa5 Qxa5 28. Ng2 Qa2 29. Qd3 Rxh3 30. Qxh3 Qxd2 31. Nxe6 fxe6 32. Qh5
Nde7 33. f5 exf5 34. gxf5 Qxc3 35. fxg6 Qxd4+ 36. Kh1 Qg7 37. Nh4 Bg3 38. Nf5
Nxf5 39. Qxf5 Qh6+ 40. Kg2 Qh2+ 41. Kf3 Bd6 42. Qc8+ Ke7 43. Re1+ Kf6 44. Re6+
Kg5 45. Qd8+ Kh5 46. Qh8+ Kg5 47. Qxh2 1-0


Yuan Qingyu (2366)

In the very next table, untitled Chinese Yuan Qingyu held sixth seed Rasmus Svane of Germany to a draw.

[Event "WJCC 1-10"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.5"]
[White "Svane, Rasmus"]
[Black "Yuan, Qingyu"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E17"]
[WhiteElo "2546"]
[BlackElo "2366"]
[PlyCount "134"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:02:41"]
[BlackClock "0:03:25"]
1. d4 {0} Nf6 {0} 2. c4 {0} e6 {0} 3. Nf3 {0} b6 {0} 4. g3 {0} Bb7 {35} 5. Bg2
{0} Be7 {6} 6. O-O {7} O-O {4} 7. Re1 {181} d5 {69} 8. cxd5 {31} exd5 {38} 9.
Nc3 {55} Nbd7 {112} 10. Bf4 {238} Nh5 {148} 11. Bd2 {430} Nhf6 {130} 12. Rc1 {
328} a6 {12} 13. Bf4 {700} Nh5 {1654} 14. Be3 {215} Nhf6 {137} 15. Ne5 {259}
Bd6 {571} 16. Nxd7 {595} Qxd7 {41} 17. Qb3 {171} Qf5 {259} 18. Qc2 {610} Qe6 {
438} 19. a3 {541} Rae8 {271} 20. Qd2 {483} Ne4 {1139} 21. Nxe4 {35} dxe4 {2}
22. Bf4 {361} c5 {92} 23. Red1 {389} Bxf4 {44} 24. Qxf4 {10} c4 {11} 25. d5 {
146} Bxd5 {2} 26. Rd4 {11} b5 {394} 27. Rcd1 {16} Bc6 {60} 28. Rd6 {94} Qc8 {1}
29. Qe3 {97} Re7 {206} 30. Qb6 {170} Rc7 {27} 31. Qd4 {51} Qb7 {180} 32. e3 {38
} h6 {115} 33. h4 {5} Re8 {27} 34. Bf1 {71} Kh7 {80} 35. h5 {21} Re6 {19} 36.
Rxe6 {62} fxe6 {2} 37. Qe5 {36} Rd7 {50} 38. Rxd7 {30} Qxd7 {39} 39. Bh3 {34}
Bd5 {33} 40. g4 {32} Qe7 {116} 41. Bg2 {0} Qb7 {0} 42. Bh3 {0} Qf7 {0} 43. Bg2
{0} Qb7 {0} 44. Bh3 {0} Qc6 {0} 45. g5 {0} hxg5 {0} 46. Qxg5 {0} Qe8 {0} 47.
Bf5+ {0} exf5 {0} 48. Qxf5+ {0} g6 {0} 49. Qxd5 {0} gxh5 {0} 50. Kf1 {0} Qg6 {0
} 51. Qe5 {0} Kg8 {0} 52. Qb8+ {0} Kg7 {0} 53. Qc7+ {0} Kf6 {0} 54. Qd6+ {67}
Kf5 {0} 55. Qd5+ {93} Kg4 {0} 56. Kg2 {95} h4 {40} 57. Qd7+ {40} Kg5 {40} 58.
Qd5+ {159} Kf6+ {121} 59. Kf1 {71} Kg7 {59} 60. Qd7+ {24} Kh6 {16} 61. Qd8 {78}
Kh5 {30} 62. Qd5+ {25} Kg4 {53} 63. Qd7+ {11} Kg5 {78} 64. Qd8+ {20} Kg4 {77}
65. Qd7+ {3} Kh5 {7} 66. Qd5+ {4} Kh6 {6} 67. Qd8 {6} Kh5 {114} 1/2-1/2

World’s youngest International Master 11-year-old Praggnanandhaa R. (2429) of Tamil Nadu lost to the top-seeded Russian GM Vladislav Artemiev.
[Event "WJCC 1-10"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.1"]
[White "Praggnanandhaa R"]
[Black "Artemiev, Vladislav"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A06"]
[WhiteElo "2429"]
[BlackElo "2665"]
[PlyCount "82"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:00:37"]
[BlackClock "0:01:04"]
1. Nf3 {22} d5 {37} 2. g3 {6} g6 {24} 3. Bg2 {20} Bg7 {16} 4. d4 {34} Nf6 {48}
5. O-O {67} O-O {20} 6. c3 {38} Bf5 {98} 7. Qb3 {650} Qc8 {32} 8. c4 {286} dxc4
{125} 9. Qxc4 {143} Be6 {691} 10. Qc2 {293} Nc6 {598} 11. Nc3 {473} Rd8 {228}
12. Rd1 {119} Nb4 {336} 13. Qa4 {204} c5 {50} 14. dxc5 {366} Rxd1+ {66} 15.
Nxd1 {235} a5 {405} 16. a3 {1066} Na6 {217} 17. c6 {66} Nc5 {448} 18. Qb5 {129}
Qxc6 {28} 19. Qxc6 {7} bxc6 {7} 20. Nd4 {143} Nb3 {706} 21. Nxb3 {28} Bxb3 {6}
22. Nc3 {39} Nd5 {17} 23. Bd2 {48} a4 {447} 24. Rc1 {559} Rd8 {14} 25. Be1 {250
} e6 {501} 26. Kf1 {561} Bh6 {555} 27. Ra1 {101} c5 {111} 28. Ne4 {140} c4 {19}
29. Ba5 {119} Rb8 {50} 30. Ke1 {48} Bc2 {140} 31. Nd6 {33} Bg7 {157} 32. Nxc4 {
34} Bb3 {5} 33. Bxd5 {31} exd5 {15} 34. Ne3 {28} Bxb2 {163} 35. Rb1 {1} Ba2 {17
} 36. Rd1 {15} d4 {38} 37. Ng4 {73} Bb3 {37} 38. Rd2 {27} Rc8 {36} 39. Nf6+ {37
} Kh8 {30} 40. Kf1 {30} Bc3 {22} 41. Bxc3 {24} dxc3 {6} 0-1


Another bright hope 12-year-old FM Nihal Sarin (2358) of Kerala held the ninth-seeded Chinese Yinglun Xu (2516) to a draw.
[Event "WJCC 1-10"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.7"]
[White "Nihal Sarin"]
[Black "Xu, Yinglun"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D58"]
[WhiteElo "2358"]
[BlackElo "2516"]
[PlyCount "77"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:01:58"]
[BlackClock "0:05:54"]
1. d4 {0} Nf6 {0} 2. c4 {0} e6 {8} 3. Nf3 {0} d5 {102} 4. Nc3 {0} Be7 {10} 5.
Bg5 {9} h6 {12} 6. Bh4 {4} O-O {15} 7. e3 {5} b6 {5} 8. Be2 {6} Bb7 {57} 9.
Bxf6 {7} Bxf6 {4} 10. cxd5 {6} exd5 {3} 11. O-O {7} c6 {34} 12. Qb3 {103} Na6 {
13} 13. Rad1 {267} Re8 {273} 14. Rfe1 {1603} Nc7 {66} 15. Bf1 {680} Ne6 {923}
16. g3 {1164} g6 {285} 17. Bg2 {203} Bg7 {46} 18. Ne2 {139} Qd6 {624} 19. Rc1 {
269} c5 {391} 20. Qa3 {185} Bf8 {225} 21. Red1 {215} Nc7 {602} 22. dxc5 {419}
bxc5 {5} 23. Nd2 {68} Qf6 {476} 24. Nc3 {172} Reb8 {751} 25. Qa5 {149} Qb6 {7}
26. Nb3 {129} c4 {280} 27. Qxb6 {77} axb6 {1} 28. Nd4 {6} Ra5 {464} 29. a3 {59}
Bg7 {7} 30. Rc2 {59} Ba8 {80} 31. Nde2 {36} g5 {128} 32. g4 {48} Bc6 {113} 33.
Nd4 {50} Bd7 {41} 34. h3 {13} Rc5 {58} 35. Rcd2 {92} Be6 {41} 36. Na4 {116} Bd7
{28} 37. Nc3 {32} Be6 {4} 38. Na4 {25} Bd7 {4} 39. Nc3 1/2-1/2


GM Murali Karthikeyan was held to a draw by country-mate Harsha Bharathakoti, while GM Shardul Gagare lost untitled Georgian Bozidar Ivekovic.

FM Ankit Gajwa surprised Swiss IM Noel Studer with the black pieces, continuing his rich form after holding a higher seed in the first round.
[Event "WJCC"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.10"]
[White "Studer, Noel"]
[Black "Gajwa Ankit"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E97"]
[WhiteElo "2477"]
[BlackElo "2282"]
[PlyCount "88"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:33:23"]
[BlackClock "0:28:16"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O Nc6 8. d5
Ne7 9. Nd2 a5 10. a3 Nd7 11. Rb1 f5 12. b4 {61} Kh8 {1984} 13. f3 {16} Ng8 {
1040} 14. Qc2 {8} Ngf6 {597} 15. Bd3 {1} f4 {18} 16. Bb2 {24} g5 {353} 17. Nb3
{1242} a4 {678} 18. Nd2 {18} g4 {44} 19. Nxa4 {757} Rg8 {72} 20. c5 {258} Nf8 {
310} 21. Nc4 {1992} Bd7 {320} 22. Nc3 {16} g3 {22} 23. h3 {234} Ng6 {172} 24.
a4 {348} Nh4 {144} 25. cxd6 {5} cxd6 {53} 26. Nb5 {6} Bxb5 {298} 27. axb5 {1}
h6 {34} 28. Rbc1 {660} Rc8 {58} 29. Qa4 {39} Ra8 {38} 30. Qc2 {157} Rc8 {13}
31. b6 {266} Nh7 {32} 32. Qa4 {3} Ng5 {40} 33. Qb5 {2} Nxh3+ {36} 34. gxh3 {4}
g2 35. Rf2 Bf6 {59} 36. Rcc2 {104} Rg3 {26} 37. Nxd6 {32} Rxc2 {33} 38. Nf7+ {
11} Kh7 {30} 39. Bxc2 {159} Qc8 {13} 40. Ba4 {91} Qxh3 {47} 41. Ng5+ {7} hxg5 {
0} 42. Qd7+ {0} Qxd7 {0} 43. Bxd7 {0} Bd8 {0} 44. Bf5+ {0} Kh6 {0} 0-1


Odisha’s talented boy FM Rakesh Kumar Jena, who beat Italian IM Basso Pier Luigi, shared similar fortunes.
[Event "WJCC"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.11"]
[White "Rakesh Kumar Jena"]
[Black "Basso, Pier Luigi"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B10"]
[WhiteElo "2161"]
[BlackElo "2455"]
[PlyCount "63"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:33:23"]
[BlackClock "0:03:04"]
1. e4 {0} c6 {0} 2. Ne2 {0} d5 {0} 3. e5 {0} c5 {0} 4. d4 {22} Bg4 {5} 5. f3 {
39} Bf5 {10} 6. dxc5 {107} e6 {462} 7. Nd4 {145} Bxc5 {181} 8. Bb5+ {154} Kf8 {
123} 9. Be3 {565} Qb6 {877} 10. Nc3 {230} a6 {262} 11. Be2 {203} Nc6 {931} 12.
Na4 {142} Qa5+ {19} 13. c3 {6} Bxd4 {119} 14. Bxd4 {21} Nxd4 {232} 15. Qxd4 {7}
Ne7 {51} 16. Nb6 {605} Nc6 {164} 17. Qf2 {6} Rd8 {87} 18. O-O {25} d4 {711} 19.
Nc4 {8} Qd5 {26} 20. cxd4 {105} Nxd4 {139} 21. Rfd1 {288} Nxe2+ {57} 22. Qxe2 {
5} Bd3 {10} 23. Qe3 {3} Qxc4 {155} 24. Rac1 {9} Qb5 {116} 25. Rc3 {316} Ke7 {
307} 26. Rb3 {811} Qc4 {731} 27. Rbxd3 {33} h6 {63} 28. Rd6 {154} Qb4 {82} 29.
a3 {261} Qb5 {73} 30. Qd4 {54} Rde8 {91} 31. Rb6 {24} Rd8 {62} 32. Rxb5 {9} 1-0


Paul Robert Evangelista (2020) of the Phillippines played a scintillating attack against India's Arjun Kalyan (2292).
[Event "WJJCC2016"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.12"]
[White "Evangelista, Paul Robert"]
[Black "Arjun Kalyan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C24"]
[WhiteElo "2020"]
[BlackElo "2292"]
[PlyCount "61"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:53:41"]
[BlackClock "0:24:45"]
1. e4 {0} e5 {0} 2. Bc4 {0} Nf6 {22} 3. d3 {0} c6 {81} 4. Nf3 {0} d5 {69} 5.
Bb3 {0} Bd6 {222} 6. Nc3 {125} d4 {101} 7. Ne2 {42} h6 {49} 8. Ng3 {116} Qe7 {
146} 9. Nh4 {133} g6 {69} 10. O-O {152} Nfd7 {127} 11. Qg4 {1535} Nb6 {764} 12.
Ngf5 {138} gxf5 {70} 13. Qg7 {73} Rf8 {401} 14. Bxh6 {32} Qxh4 {344} 15. Bg5 {
19} Qh8 {717} 16. Bxf7+ {13} Kd7 {61} 17. Qg6 {30} Be7 {732} 18. Qe6+ {14} Kc7
{4} 19. Qxe7+ {17} N8d7 {11} 20. f4 {98} Rxf7 {476} 21. Qxf7 {8} Qf8 {9} 22.
Qh7 {9} fxe4 23. fxe5 {19} Qe8 {90} 24. e6 {278} Qxe6 {9} 25. Bf4+ {10} Kd8 {5}
26. Qh8+ {7} Ke7 {21} 27. Rae1 {154} e3 {160} 28. Bg5+ {20} Kd6 {13} 29. Qxd4+
{18} Kc7 {32} 30. Bf4+ {42} Kd8 {10} 31. Qh8+ {7} 1-0


In the girls’ section, the top seed WGM Dinara Saduakassova was held to a draw by WFM Mobina Alinasab of Iran.

The second seed WIM Alina Bivol of Russia sailed through unscathed with her second victory.

WIM Pv Nandhidhaa caused a major upset by beating seventh-seeded Russian WIM Anna Styazhkina.

32nd seed WIM G.K. Monnisha continued her giant-killing spree, this time taking down 14th seed Chinese WIM Gu Tianlu.
[Event "7-18"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.3"]
[White "Monnisha G K"]
[Black "Gu, Tianlu"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C77"]
[WhiteElo "2101"]
[BlackElo "2239"]
[PlyCount "91"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:51:51"]
[BlackClock "0:31:44"]
1. e4 {0} e5 {0} 2. Nf3 {0} Nc6 {0} 3. Bb5 {0} a6 {0} 4. Ba4 {1} Nf6 {8} 5. d3
{12} b5 {8} 6. Bb3 {3} Bc5 {19} 7. Nc3 {7} d6 {14} 8. Nd5 {5} h6 {17} 9. c3 {5}
Rb8 {38} 10. O-O {69} O-O {9} 11. h3 {228} Ba7 {103} 12. Be3 {375} Bxe3 13.
Nxf6+ {147} Qxf6 {88} 14. fxe3 {3} Na5 {463} 15. Qe2 {201} Qe7 {415} 16. Qf2 {
215} c5 {1331} 17. Bd5 {152} Be6 {138} 18. Nh4 {62} g6 {417} 19. Nf5 {143} gxf5
{476} 20. exf5 {9} Qg5 {139} 21. fxe6 {35} fxe6 {22} 22. Bxe6+ {7} Kg7 {34} 23.
Qe2 {12} Nc6 {87} 24. Rxf8 {475} Rxf8 {5} 25. a4 {16} Qg6 {263} 26. axb5 {126}
axb5 {5} 27. Bd7 {559} Ne7 {85} 28. Bxb5 {10} Nf5 {26} 29. Qf3 {784} Qg5 {984}
30. Ra7+ {157} Ne7 {431} 31. Qe4 {342} d5 {209} 32. Qg4 Qxg4 {16} 33. hxg4 {84}
Kf6 {14} 34. Ra6+ {112} Kg5 {329} 35. Re6 {14} Ng8 {94} 36. Rxe5+ {10} Kxg4 {5}
37. Bd7+ {54} Kh4 {47} 38. Be6 {806} Ne7 {140} 39. Bxd5 {28} Nf5 {35} 40. Kh2 {
180} h5 {49} 41. Bf3 {21} Ng3 {0} 42. Rxc5 {0} Nf1+ {0} 43. Kg1 {0} Nxe3 {0}
44. Rxh5+ {0} Kg3 {0} 45. Rh3+ {0} Kf4 {0} 46. Be4 {0} 1-0


WFM Karina Ivanova

India’s ‘Miss Dependable’, multiple-times medal-winner, WIM Vaishali V. suffered a jolt in the hands of WFM Karina Ivanova of Russia. 

[Event "7-18"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.1"]
[White "Ivanova, Karina"]
[Black "Vaishali R"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D02"]
[WhiteElo "2129"]
[BlackElo "2284"]
[PlyCount "95"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:04:20"]
[BlackClock "0:02:01"]
1. d4 {0} d5 {5} 2. Nf3 {18} Nc6 {45} 3. g3 {57} Bg4 {24} 4. Nbd2 {33} Qd7 {63}
5. Bg2 {14} Bh3 {192} 6. O-O {71} O-O-O 7. a4 {929} h5 {725} 8. c3 {428} h4 {
285} 9. Bxh3 {830} Qxh3 {7} 10. Ng5 {5} Qf5 {104} 11. Ndf3 {20} Nh6 {1992} 12.
Nxh4 {99} Qd7 {6} 13. f4 {730} e6 {963} 14. b4 {211} Bd6 {303} 15. b5 {495} Na5
{56} 16. Qd3 {152} Nf5 {143} 17. Ng2 {203} f6 {501} 18. Nf3 {123} Rh3 {49} 19.
e4 {375} dxe4 {260} 20. Qxe4 {11} g5 {125} 21. Re1 {372} Rdh8 {137} 22. Ba3 {
252} Bxa3 {38} 23. Rxa3 {6} Nc4 {22} 24. Ra2 {179} Ncd6 {40} 25. Qxe6 {23} g4 {
29} 26. Nfh4 {51} Nxh4 {31} 27. Nxh4 {11} R8xh4 {32} 28. gxh4 {47} Rxc3 {23}
29. h5 {224} f5 {30} 30. Rae2 {38} Ne4 {34} 31. Rxe4 {49} fxe4 {6} 32. Qg8+ {87
} Qd8 {6} 33. Qxd8+ {132} Kxd8 {1} 34. Rxe4 {6} Kd7 {104} 35. Re5 {30} g3 {32}
36. h3 {20} Rf3 {29} 37. h6 {61} Rxf4 {9} 38. Rh5 {4} Rf8 {25} 39. h7 {6} Rh8 {
4} 40. Kg2 {13} Ke6 {19} 41. Kxg3 {7} Kf6 {10} 42. Kg4 {37} Kg6 {34} 43. Rh4 {
37} a5 {67} 44. bxa6 {6} bxa6 {4} 45. Rh5 {9} c6 {45} 46. a5 {35} Kf7 {28} 47.
Kg5 {7} Kg7 {2} 48. Rh6 {27} 1-0


Maharashtra's Shakshi Chitalange remembered the textbook technique of mating with a knight and bishop.
[Event "19-29"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.08.09"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Mendoza, Shania Mae"]
[Black "Chitlange Sakshi"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E32"]
[WhiteElo "2191"]
[BlackElo "2014"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/8/1k6/1P3K2/n6b/8/8 b - - 0 67"]
[PlyCount "83"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[WhiteClock "0:36:34"]
[BlackClock "0:02:37"]
67... Kxb4 {4} 68. Kg3 {0} Bd7 {16} 69. Kf4 {0} Kc4 {10} 70. Ke5 {0} Nb5 {16}
71. Ke4 {1} Nd6+ {28} 72. Ke5 {17} Kc5 {18} 73. Kf6 {12} Kd5 {7} 74. Ke7 {5}
Be6 {145} 75. Kf6 {9} Ne4+ {19} 76. Kg7 {22} Ke5 {30} 77. Kg6 {7} Bd5 {132} 78.
Kg7 {9} Kf5 {23} 79. Kh7 {11} Kf6 {20} 80. Kh8 {12} Nd6 {73} 81. Kh7 {8} Bc4 {
117} 82. Kh8 {25} Nf7+ {5} 83. Kh7 {39} Bd3+ {80} 84. Kg8 {1} Be4 {32} 85. Kf8
{1} Bh7 {7} 86. Ke8 {3} Ne5 {52} 87. Kd8 {8} Ke6 {23} 88. Kc7 {4} Nd7 {55} 89.
Kc6 {1} Bd3 {16} 90. Kc7 {1} Bb5 {110} 91. Kd8 {12} Nb6 {69} 92. Kc7 {11} Nd5+
{11} 93. Kc8 {11} Ke7 {13} 94. Kb7 {8} Kd7 {42} 95. Kb8 {2} Kc6 {64} 96. Kc8 {5
} Kd6 {27} 97. Kb8 {11} Bd7 {23} 98. Kb7 {1} Kc5 {18} 99. Ka6 {12} Kb4 {27}
100. Ka7 {9} Kb5 {28} 101. Kb7 {5} Be6 {59} 102. Ka7 {2} Nc7 {34} 103. Kb7 {6}
Na6 {20} 104. Ka7 {1} Nc5 {16} 105. Kb8 {10} Kb6 {15} 106. Ka8 {10} Bf5 {33}
107. Kb8 {12} Na6+ {4} 108. Ka8 {6} Be4# {2} 0-1

The tournament is a 13-round swiss league, with 11 more rounds to go.

It is expected to be a cracker of a contest, especially in the open section, where experienced Indian juniors like Aravindh Chithambaram and Murali Karthikeyan will battle for the top places, while young blooded kids like Praggnananhaa and Nihal will gain experience.


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Pairings for Round 02:



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